a We are going to take back the country we lovea : Hillary Clinton

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton acknowledged Friday that Democratic candidates around the country still face basic questions about what they stand for and which policies their party supports. Speaking at a Democrat Women's Leadership Forum in Washington, D.C., Clinton urged party leaders to return to the basics and lay out the party's values for voters.

Malaysian Chinese Celebrate Lunar Year In Pomp And Tradition In New York

By MANIK MEHTA NEW YORK, Feb 25 -- The increasingly influential Malaysian Chinese community, galvanized under the Malaysian Chinese Association Club as part of the Malaysian Association of America , celebrated on Friday night here the Chinese lunar year in pomp and style while, at the same time, preserving the Chinese cultural traditions. The large hall of the New Mulan Restaurant in the Chinese-dominated Flushing district of New York - was packed with Malaysian Chinese and their families, along American guests, attired in colourful clothing and applauding the traditional lion dance that is emblematic of the lunar year.

DACA supporters rally outisde Trump Tower

Protesters hold up signs during a demonstration against President Donald Trump during a rally in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals , also known as Dream Act. Dozens of DACA protesters gathered outside Trump Tower in Midtown on Thursday, rallying against the uncertain future of the program.

Salvadoran Immigrant Dies In ICE Custody As Detainee Deaths Rise

A 44-year-old Salvadoran national died in Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody on Saturday, the 10th detainee to die in ICE custody since this fiscal year began Oct. 1. That's the same number who died in the entire 2016 fiscal year, and the most since 2011. Carlos MejA a Bonilla, 44, was admitted to Jersey City Medical Center's Intensive Care Unit with gastrointestinal bleeding on June 8. He died two days later, according to a MejA a Bonilla first crossed into the United States in 1993.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.

Democrats offered legislation and protests Monday to try to force a repeal of President Trump's executive order banning most Syrian refugees and citizens from six other Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. Congressional Democrats seek to repeal Trump's refugee travel ban Democrats offered legislation and protests Monday to try to force a repeal of President Trump's executive order banning most Syrian refugees and citizens from six other Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. Check out this story on pal-item.com: http://usat.ly/2jO7Bk1 WASHINGTON - Democrats offered legislation and protests Monday to try to force a repeal of President Trump's executive order banning most Syrian refugees and citizens from six other Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the senior Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, is ... (more)