Race-based school criteria roils Asian-Americans – again

Asian-Americans have been divided over affirmative action for decades, long before New York City's mayor proposed an admissions overhaul to admit more blacks and Latinos into elite city schools currently dominated by Asians. In the 1980s, Chinese-Americans criticized a San Francisco public schools policy that required Chinese students to score higher than others to get into competitive Lowell High School.

Fox News Aired A Racist Segment In Chinatown & Got Called Out

Fox News' Jesse Watters, who hosts a segment titled "Watters' World" on The O'Reilly Factor , went to New York's Chinatown a few days ago under the guise of asking Chinese-Americans what they thought of America's relationship with China . Instead, he spent four minutes referencing every Asian stereotype imaginable, using his platform to characterize the community as an out-of-touch joke, and diminishing their culture to the laziest of tropes .