Canada won’t buy Boeing aircraft until company drops trade complaint against Bombardier: Trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Boeing can forget about selling fighter jets to Canada as long as its trade complaint is ongoing against Quebec aerospace firm Bombardier. Trudeau's comments Monday, the toughest yet in the ongoing battle between Boeing and the Canadian government over the complaint against Bombardier, appear to jeopardize not only Boeing's current proposal to sell interim fighter jets to Canada but its hope to sell Canada additional aircraft in the future to replace the CF-18 fleet on a permanent basis.

The redemption of Martin McGuinness

Of all that was said and done in the immediate wake of Martin McGuinness's death on Tuesday, Queen Elizabeth's decision to sit down and write a private letter of condolence to his widow, Bernie, might take the cake. Some context: In 1979, the Irish Republican Army blew up the queen's cousin, Lord Mountbatten, who was really more like her favorite uncle.

‘Inner circle of DUP, SF deciding future of SHA’

How the legacy of Northern Ireland's Troubles will be dealt with is being decided by "an inner circle" of the DUP, Sinn Fein and the UK government, it is claimed. SDLP Justice spokesman Alex Attwood has told the News Letter he is gravely concerned at what he sees as the lack of transparency.