Queen regards the 1982 Hyde Park bombings as the ‘most ghastly’ day

Trump unleashes four-letter rant at Mitch McConnell over Brett Kavanaugh delay and said Republican leader should have FORCED a vote on Friday even if Jeff Flake and the moderates had voted him down Trump to hold five rallies in eight days as he fires up the base in bid to force Republican senators to confirm Kavanaugh at end of this week First 'social network of brains' lets three players solve a Tetris-style puzzle by staring at different lights to transmit silent instructions into each other's minds Cardi B 'will hand herself in to the police and face court' over claims she ordered a brutal assault against two barmaids at a New York strip club 'There was ten feet of blood': Kayaker who helped rescue teen attacked by an 11-foot shark while diving for lobster describes the horrific wounds to his shoulder and back Her Majesty's darkest moment: Queen regards the 1982 Hyde Park bombings as ... (more)

Anti-terror lawyer: The DUP now has the influence to secure Libya compensation

It is now within the DUP's power to ensure that 10 billion of frozen Libyan assets in the UK is used to compensate victims of Libyan sponsored IRA terrorism. The DUP are in a position to ensure that every penny of it is now befittingly used to pay the UK victims the compensation due to them, or use it as leverage to ensure the new Libyan government honours its agreement with them to settle their claims.

What’s Personal About the Westminster Bridge Attack

The first I heard about the attack here was an e-mail from my son's school yesterday afternoon informing parents that "there has been a security incident at the Houses of Parliament" but that "Pupils and Staff are all safe." His school is literally next door to Westminster Abbey, about two blocks from Big Ben.

The redemption of Martin McGuinness

Of all that was said and done in the immediate wake of Martin McGuinness's death on Tuesday, Queen Elizabeth's decision to sit down and write a private letter of condolence to his widow, Bernie, might take the cake. Some context: In 1979, the Irish Republican Army blew up the queen's cousin, Lord Mountbatten, who was really more like her favorite uncle.

‘Inner circle of DUP, SF deciding future of SHA’

How the legacy of Northern Ireland's Troubles will be dealt with is being decided by "an inner circle" of the DUP, Sinn Fein and the UK government, it is claimed. SDLP Justice spokesman Alex Attwood has told the News Letter he is gravely concerned at what he sees as the lack of transparency.