Why John Bolton Should Be Tried at International Criminal Court

National Security Adviser John Bolton appears to be spiraling down into the same miasma of madness that possesses other members of the Trump administration - perhaps caused by a microbe carried in Trump's sniffle. This week he threatened justices of the International Criminal Court in the Hague with physical abduction were they to dare indict an American for war crimes committed in Afghanistan.

not Real News: No court order for Obama to pay $400 million

An online story falsely claims a federal appeals court ordered former President Barack Obama to pay $400 million in "restitution" to the United States for money supposedly lost in a transaction with "hard-liners" in Iran. The Daily World Update article cites a nonexistent West Texas Federal Appeals Court for the 33rd District; there is no federal appeals court in Texas.

Anti-terror lawyer: The DUP now has the influence to secure Libya compensation

It is now within the DUP's power to ensure that 10 billion of frozen Libyan assets in the UK is used to compensate victims of Libyan sponsored IRA terrorism. The DUP are in a position to ensure that every penny of it is now befittingly used to pay the UK victims the compensation due to them, or use it as leverage to ensure the new Libyan government honours its agreement with them to settle their claims.

Going in would have been a calamity: Michael Burleigh says it is…

Going in would have been a calamity: MICHAEL BURLEIGH says it is nonsense that Britain holds some responsibility for the horrors in Syria after not intervening The endgame in Aleppo was always going to be dreadful. How could it not be after many months of a siege that has generated terrible suffering with heart-rending images being broadcast round the world? But for Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, former chancellor George Osborne and other MPs to say we in Britain bore some responsibility for the horrors now taking place in the ancient Syrian city because we did not intervene in the war is, quite frankly, nonsense.

Obama’s Last Stand Against War on Syria

Through five years of war in Syria, President Obama has been in a constant internal struggle with hawks in his administration who want the U.S. to directly intervene militarily to overthrow the Syrian government. On at least four occasions Obama has stood up to them, although at other times he has compromised and gone half way toward the hawkish position.

In Africa, terrorism dominates a resource-challenged mission

An AV-8B Harrier, from the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit, takes off from the flight deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp in the Mediterranean Sea on Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016. The 22nd MEU, embarked on the Wasp, was conducting precision air strikes in support of the Libyan Government of National Accord-aligned forces against Islamic State group targets in Sirte, Libya, as part of Operation Odyssey Lightning.

A chance for Trump to get it right

Mr. Trump, it appears you were mistaken when you said you "always were in opposition to both the War in Iraq as well as the decision to topple Gaddafi in Libya. Want to take another crack at it? Mr. Trump, it appears you were mistaken when you said you got post 9/11 government money to "help others out after the attack", when in fact you used those funds for "rent loss, cleanup and repair."

Trump praises late Iraqi leader Saddam as terrorist killer

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who frequently criticizes U.S. foreign policy under President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has praised former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's ruthlessness. "Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, right? ... But you know what he did well? He killed terrorists.

Ap Fact Check: Trump peddles suspect claims about Clinton

In a speech skewering Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump assigned her far more influence than she had as secretary of state as he blamed her directly for a host of foreign policy ills. He also peddled some suspect allegations that she used her time as the top diplomat to enrich herself.

Ap Fact Check: Trump’s distortions on Clinton

He accused Clinton of announcing a withdrawal from Iraq that wasn't on her watch, pulled numbers out of nowhere on her plan for refugees and went beyond the established facts behind the killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya in stating starkly that she "left him there to die." In doing so, he assigned her far more influence in the world than she exercised as secretary of state.

Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy address an example of know-nothing leadership

Hillary Clinton 's "major foreign policy address" on Thursday turned out to be nothing more than another campaign stop and an opportunity to bash her presumptive presidential opponent. The word "presumptive" means Clinton must wait for the findings of the FBI criminal investigation.