Why some evangelicals don’t want Vice President Pence to speak at their meeting

A conservative Christian and longtime culture warrior, Pence shares many of Southern Baptists' faith commitments and some of their political views. With more than 15 million members, Southern Baptists are the country's largest evangelical denomination, and more than 80% of white evangelicals voted for the Trump-Pence ticket.

#MeToo Crisis Jolts Southern Baptists Ahead of Key Gathering

The Southern Baptists are facing their own #MeToo crisis as the biggest Protestant denomination in the U.S. heads into its annual meeting next week. A series of sexual misconduct cases has prompted the Southern Baptist Convention's socially conservative, all-male leadership to seek forgiveness for the ill treatment of women and vow to combat it.

‘Break Her Down’: Southern Baptist Leader Covered Up…

The former head of two prominent Southern Baptist seminaries sought a one-on-one meeting in 2015 with an alleged rape victim in order to "break her down," seemingly so that she would not go public with her allegations. Dr. Paige Patterson, the former president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, made the comment in an email to the chief of campus security, a trustee at the school said Friday.

N Carolina GOP congressman is first incumbent to lose seat

This photo taken March 21, 2018, shows Rev. Mark Harris. The rematch of an extremely close 2016 North Carolina congressional primary may hinge as much on which Republican candidate more vigorously supports President Donald Trump as who more successfully mobilizes Christian conservatives.

Southern Baptists – once an overtly racist, pro-slavery group…

Like American politics, religion in this country is also in a state of flux. Perhaps nowhere is this fact more evident than in the Southern Baptist Convention, which wrapped up its annual meeting this week in Phoenix with a nearly unanimous vote to condemn the racist political movement commonly referred to as the "alt-right."

Southern Baptists wrestle with tensions over Trump election

The Southern Baptist Convention, home to prominent evangelical supporters of President Donald Trump, adopted a statement on moral leadership at the group's annual meeting Tuesday that avoided pointed criticism of current political officeholders. The denomination also rejected a proposal to condemn the "alt-right," the political movement that came to the forefront during the presidential election that mixes racism, white nationalism and populism.

Baptist professor to lead Kentucky adoption overhaul

A Southern Baptist professor will lead an overhaul of the state's troubled adoption and foster care system under a $240,000 contract awarded to him by the state's Republican governor. Daniel S. Dumas will begin his new job as a special adviser to Gov. Matt Bevin on June 19. His contract calls for him to assess a state system that has more than 8,000 children in out-of-home care and yet consistently has not met federal standards on preventing abuse and neglect.

Pastor Robert Jeffress, OSS Gold Medal bill, Congress, Republicans, shoot-to-kill, Frisco ISD

Re: "Jeffress' words evoke dark history -- We must speak the truth in the language of Christianity and of love, Joshua J. Whitfield says," Oct. 1 Viewpoints. Lifetime Southern Baptists, we have become increasingly disturbed and embarrassed by Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress' continued support of Donald Trump.