Shutdown continues into workweek, as Senate talks drag on

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., heads to the office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., as Day 2 of the federal shutdown drags on, at the Capitol in Washington, Sunday, Jan. 21, 2018. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill said they were pursuing a deal to end the rare government closure, prompted Friday by a messy tussle over immigration and spending.

MTA brass pushed link between subway delays and power problems,…

A President Not Sure of What He Wants Complicates the Shutdown Impasse - WASHINGTON - When President Trump mused last year about protecting immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children, calling them "these incredible kids," aides implored him privately to stop talking about them so sympathetically. Graham: Stephen Miller makes immigration deal impossible - warned on Sunday that the White House staff is undercutting President Trump - and Congress's ability to get a deal on immigration.

Graham anticipates a breakthrough in shutdown negotiations

Moment a mother who left her daughter, 4, to die in a scalding bath that made her skin 'melt off' is arrested with her boyfriend for the brutal crime Lindsey Graham anticipates a 'breakthrough' in funding negotiations that could end the government shutdown TONIGHT as he claims to have brought five Democrats 'on board' Bitter ex-husband of late New York City sculptor left her work 'to rot at a drab Long Island gas station' after her cancer death in 2016 'There was blood everywhere': Woman dies after falling from her balcony on a Carnival cruise and landing several decks below - a year after man, 24, died when he fell overboard the same ship 'It's all guesswork': Scarlett Johansson under fire for eviscerating James Franco at the LA Women's March after DEFENDING Woody Allen and starring in THREE of his films New Jersey's new first lady, 52, tells Women's March crowd how she was sexually ... (more)

Graham offers path out of a Dreamera shutdown

Sen. Lindsey Graham , one of the Republicans who joined Democrats' shutdown filibuster Friday night, offered a plan forward Saturday, saying he wants to see a 20-day funding bill passed along with a guarantee that the Senate will quickly move to debate immigration next month. The South Carolina Republican had been working the floor during the filibuster vote, trying to win over colleagues to his proposal, and shuttling between GOP and Democratic leaders to keep them up to speed on his deal-making.

Letter: Trump opposed by media, both parties

Isn't it just amazing that the open bipartisan White House meeting on immigration, which was broadcast for the world to see, President Trump actually received some positive reviews from some of the mainstream media and members of both parties in attendance? However, when he met again with the DACA Group and six of the senators, that consists of Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; Cory Gardner, R-Colo.; Michael Bennet, D-Colo.; Bob Menendez, D-N.J, Dick Durbin, D-Ill. and Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., presented their immigration plan, that wasn't open to the media, the outcome wasn't the same.

Trump’s dealmaker image tarnished by U.S. government shutdown

On the first anniversary of his presidency on Saturday, with the stock market roaring and his poll ratings finally rising, he had planned to rest at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, feted by friends and admirers. His failure to win passage by the U.S. Congress of a stopgap bill to maintain funding for the federal government further damaged his self-crafted image as a dealmaker who would repair the broken culture in Washington.

Republicans Are Preparing to Shut Down the Government Out of Anti-Immigrant Spite

There is basically one thing the GOP needs to do to avoid a government shutdown tonight when the temporary funding bill is set to expire: Offer a clean path to permanent legalization for Dreamers-individuals who have grown up as Americans even though they were brought to this country as minors illegally-and make them off-limits to this administration's deportation designs. The House just passed a stopgap funding bill that does nothing about Dreamers but extends CHIP, a health insurance program for children that Republicans have never liked, showing that the only principle that animates their party now is saving this land of immigrants from immigrants.

GOP still struggling with Trump’s remarks on Africa

Republicans are struggling to get their stories straight as President Donald Trump's Homeland Security secretary became the latest GOP official to offer an inconclusive version of a meeting in which Trump is said to have used vulgar remarks that have been criticized as racist. Democrats accused Republicans of selective amnesia as Cabinet member Kirstjen Nielsen testified Tuesday under oath that she "did not hear" Trump use a certain vulgarity to describe African countries.

MSNBC’s Mika hammers DHS chief’s ‘painful’ defense of Trump’s ‘racism’

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski said Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's "pained" defense of President Donald Trump's racist remarks overshadowed just how "depressing" the situation is in the White House. The cabinet official testified Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where lawmakers grilled her over the president's reported "sh*thole" remarks toward African nations and Haiti.

Here are details of latest bipartisan DACA deal to protect DREAMers

Senators to introduce bill providing $18 billion for border-security over the next decade in exchange for DREAMers getting permanent legal status. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida, both Republicans, focused on immigration and DACA when asked about President Trump's reported comments about African countries and Haiti on Monday.

‘Very strong’ Democratic sentiment to oppose GOP budget bill

Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer said Wednesday there's "very, very strong" sentiment among Democrats in the chamber to oppose GOP-drafted legislation to keep the government's doors open, comments that could indicate the chances are increasing that the government could shut down at midnight Friday night. Democrats' votes are needed to advance the stopgap measure through the Senate, but they have been rebuffed in their demands to add protections against deportation for younger immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as children.

Trump warns of immigration threat to national security

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that America's current immigration system weakens national security, as his administration sought Supreme Court backing to lift protections shielding 700,000 "Dreamer" immigrants from deportation. Days after Trump sparked an international uproar by reportedly complaining about immigration from "shithole" countries, his administration sought to refocus the debate by tying a series of current immigration programs to terror threats.

Homeland Security Secretary Says She ‘Did Not Hear’ Trump Use ‘That’ Vulgar Word

The Secretary of Homeland Security testified Tuesday that she did not hear President Trump use a vulgarity in a meeting with lawmakers about immigration last week. The president was widely reported to have used a disparaging word to describe African nations and wondered aloud why people from countries like Haiti were allowed to come to the United States.

Bipartisan DACA deal falls through, shutdown looming

WASHINGTON The government is four days away from a spending deadline and facing the increased possibility of a shutdown. Republicans cannot fund the government on their own and one of the long talked-about solutions to getting Democrats on board had been to come up with a plan to protect the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the program that protects those who entered the U.S. as undocumented minors.

DHS secretary snaps after Dems push her on ‘shithole’ comment: ‘I have answered this!’

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Tuesday snapped at Senate Democrats who hounded her repeatedly over whether President Trump said some countries were "shithole countries" in a meeting last week. Nielsen was testifying at the Senate Judiciary Committee, where five Democrats each made a point of asking her about Trump's reported comment.