Continue reading 3 cliches about Trump that the media must stop pushing

Will President Donald Trump fire Rod Rosenstein? Will Robert Mueller find evidence that Trump has committed crimes? Will Rudy Giuliani and Trump land on a consistent explanation about hush money? Having read and watched a lot of the Trump-scandal coverage, I don't know the answer to any of these questions. What I can tell you is that I'm getting a little sick of some of the cliches that have become regular features of that coverage.

McCain gets visits from friends, family after surgery

By LAURIE KELLMAN, ALAN FRAM and BOB CHRISTIE, Associated Press WASHINGTON - A frail Sen. John McCain has been receiving a stream of visitors and good wishes at his Arizona ranch as he confronts the aftermath of brain cancer treatment and surgery. Former Vice President Joe Biden sat with McCain for 90 minutes last Sunday, according to people close to both men.

Giuliani: Trump is ‘committed to’ regime change in Iran

At His Ranch, John McCain Shares Memories and Regrets With Friends - PHOENIX - When former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. traveled to Senator John McCain's Arizona ranch last Sunday to spend a few hours with his ailing friend, the two reminisced about the "crazy senators" they had served with McCain doesn't want Trump at funeral, friends tell White House - WASHINGTON - People close to Sen. John McCain have told the White House that the ailing Arizona Republican does not want President Donald Trump to attend his funeral and would like Vice President Mike Pence to come instead John McCain Battles Donald Trump With His Dying Breaths - Senator Lindsey Graham once described his friend John McCain as someone who would "run across the street to get in a good fight."

John McCain, recuperating from surgery, gets visits in Arizona from Joe Biden, Lindsey Graham

A frail Sen. John McCain has been receiving a stream of visitors and good wishes at his Arizona ranch as he confronts the aftermath of brain cancer treatment and surgery. Former Vice President Joe Biden sat with McCain for 90 minutes Sunday, according to people close to both men.

John McCain gets high-profile visitors

McCain, 81, Former Vice President Joe Biden sat with McCain for 90 minutes Sunday, according to people close to both men. Biden followed McCain's closest friends, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and retired Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, who visited McCain at the Mayo Clinic two weeks ago.

In AZ, McCain gets visits from Biden, Graham after surgery Source: AP

A frail Sen. John McCain has been receiving a stream of visitors and good wishes at his Arizona ranch as he confronts the aftermath of brain cancer treatment and surgery. Former Vice President Joe Biden sat with McCain for 90 minutes Sunday, according to people close to both men.

Sensing opportunity, Trump presses for action on North Korea Source: Cox Media Group

With the date of a summit meeting with Kim Jong Un still to be determined, President Donald Trump continued this weekend to press the case that major changes are on the horizon between North and South Korea, as Mr. Trump spoke with both the South Korean and Japanese leaders about progress on a deal with the Pyongyang regime to rein in its nuclear weapons program. Headline: "Kim Prepared to Cede Nuclear Weapons if U.S. Pledges Not to Invade" - from the Failing New York Times.

Trump pledges hands off Russia probe, may – change my mind’

From left, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the ranking member, confer before considering a bipartisan bill to protect the special counsel from being fired, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, April 26, 2018. They voted 14 to 7 to send the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act to the full Senate, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has insisted he will not hold a full Senate vote on the legislation which would seek expedited judicial review of a firing.

Senate committee poised for vote on bill to protect Mueller

The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on a bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller's job - legislation that has split Republicans as President Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized Mueller's Russia investigation. Two Republicans and two Democrats introduced the bill earlier this month as Trump publicly criticized the special counsel.

Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller

The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on a bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller's job -- legislation that has split Republicans as President Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized Mueller's Russia investigation. Two Republicans and two Democrats introduced the bill earlier this month as Trump publicly criticized the special counsel.

Senate committee will vote on bill to protect Mueller from Trump

Chuck Grassley, Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, says he will hold vote on bill which offers extra protection to Robert Mueller Mitch McConnell had said there would be no vote on the bill on the Senate floor as he did not believe Trump would move against the special counsel The leader of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee said on Thursday the committee would vote on a bill to protect Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election , despite objections by the chamber's Republican leadership.

Grassley ‘moving ahead’ with Mueller bill despite McConnell’s opposition

Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans are plowing ahead with their plan to pass a bill out of the committee that would protect special counsel Robert Mueller , despite Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's vow not to put the measure on the Senate floor. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, told CNN on Wednesday that he was "moving ahead" with the bipartisan legislation, which is expected to be marked up next week.

Senate leader appears to kill special counsel protection bill’s chances

WASHINGTON - The Senate's top Republican appeared Tuesday to quash new momentum behind a bill giving special counsels such as Robert Mueller III legal recourse if they are fired, telling Fox News that he would refuse to put it to a floor vote. "I'm the one who decides what we take to the floor.

McConnell won’t allow vote to bill to protect Mueller Source: AP

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday thwarted a bipartisan effort to protect special counsel Robert Mueller's job, saying he will not hold a floor vote on the legislation even if it is approved next week in the Senate Judiciary Committee. His comments came amid widespread opposition to the bill among members of his caucus, with several GOP senators saying the bill is unconstitutional.

The Zuckerberg Hearings Prove Government Shouldn’t Regulate Facebook

In the year 2018, at the height of The Russia Scare, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was hauled in front of a tribunal of tech-illiterate politicians and asked to explain himself. "It was my mistake, and I'm sorry," Zuckerberg told senators who are upset about the company's exploitation of user data-which, unbeknownst to them, was social media's entire business model.

Senators try to protect the special counsel

Four senators -- two Republicans and two Democrats -- are taking a step to protect special counsel Robert Mueller's job as President Donald Trump has angrily mused about firing him. Legislation offered on Wednesday by Republicans Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Democrats Chris Coons of Delaware and Cory Booker of New Jersey would give any special counsel a 10-day window to seek expedited judicial review of a firing.