Reaction must be quick but – not a witch hunt’

Toppling like trees in a hurricane, many male executives in entertainment, media and other industries have been felled by allegations of sexual harassment. The hashtag #MeToo has raised awareness about the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault in the workplace, sparking a growing movement in the U.S. and abroad.

DeVos planning to scrap Obama rules on campus sexual assault

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos declared on Thursday that "the era of 'rule by letter' is over" as she announced plans to change the way colleges and universities handle allegations of sexual assault on campus. DeVos vowed to replace a set of rules enacted by the Obama administration in a 2011 memo known as the "Dear Colleague Letter," which she said created a system that failed students.

Trump’s unconventional campaign has analysts puzzled

Donald Trump's rallies routinely feature accusations of media bias and corruption, but his campaign has relied heavily on media coverage to get its message out. It's a paradox that has become familiar with the Republican presidential candidate's unconventional campaign that has experts grappling with what it means for the election.