The Latest: JFK file has Hoover talking KGB theory

President Trump blocked the release of hundreds of records on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, bending to CIA and FBI appeals, while the National Archives came out Thursday night with a hefty cache of others. This image provided by the Warren Commission is an overhead view of President John F. Kennedy's car in Dallas motorcade on Nov. 22, 1963, and was the commission's Exhibit No.

The Latest: JFK Files: British newspaper got early tip

President Trump blocked the release of hundreds of records on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, bending to CIA and FBI appeals, while the National Archives came out Thursday night with a hefty cache of others. This image provided by the Warren Commission is an overhead view of President John F. Kennedy's car in Dallas motorcade on Nov. 22, 1963, and was the commission's Exhibit No.

Paul Ryan Overlooks Supporter Shouting For Hillary Clinton’s Assassination

During a rally today, Paul Ryan was describing a world we don't live in, where there is "scandal after scandal, leading to investigations" of the Clintons. As the crowd cheered, a very loud voice from the back shouted back, "Lee Harvey Oswald, where are you when we need you?" This is the Republican Party.