The exterior of Camp Delta at the US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay. Photo: Reuters

Ramzi bin al-Shibh, the alleged deputy plotter of the September 11 terrorist attacks, is being held in an isolation cell with only a prayer rug and Koran - no bed and no running water - as punishment for protesting conditions in his Guantanamo confinement, his lawyer said on Saturday. Bin al-Shibh, 45, has for years claimed that somebody is causing his cell to vibrate and making noises in a campaign of sleep deprivation reminiscent of his 2002-2006 abuse in CIA custody.

China may be jamming US Navy jets off aircraft carriers in the…

China may be jamming US Navy jets off aircraft carriers in the Pacific - and the US will 'not look kindly on it' An EA-18G Growler assigned to the "Rooks" of Electronic Attack Squadron 137 launches from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman on February 28, 2018. The US Navy's USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier has reached the Philippines, and a pilot on board reported possibly having his aircraft jammed by the Chinese.

Did The Chemical Weapons Attacks in Syria Happen? We Need A Different Question

There has been a lot of debate other whether the chemical weapons attacks in Syria "really happened". On the one side, you have the corporate media for the West, on the other side you have the corporate media for the Russians, as well as the conspiracy-oriented fringe in the U.S. Obviously one side is correct, and the truth does matter, but it really is the wrong question to be asking.

Navy: Training jet flew too low _ for thrills _ before crash

The Navy is citing pilot error for a military training jet crash in Tennessee that killed the two aboard, saying it was being flown for thrills and too low. Navy officials said in a report the T-45C Goshawk was flying below allowable altitudes last October when it plunged into a forest near Tellico Plains.

The Senate Should Reject Gina Haspel and Mike Pompeo

"Senate rejection of Pompeo would send a powerful message that the Trump-Bolton-Pompeo war agenda is not acceptable." The Senate is set to hold confirmation hearings this week on two nominees for high office who, if confirmed, will dramatically shift the balance of power in the Trump administration toward torture, Islamophobia and war.

Human remains discovered may be bodies of murdered American ISIS hostages

Human remains discovered in Syria may belong to murdered American ISIS hostages Kayla Mueller, Peter Kassig, Steven Sotloff and James Foley Humanitarian aid workers Kayla Mueller and Peter Kassig and journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff were all kidnapped and killed in Syria by ISIS Remains were sent to the FBI Laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, for forensic and DNA testing to see of they belong to the four American hostages The discovery will give hope to the families of the ISIS victims who have been waiting years to finally lay their loves ones to rest Victims' families are still pushing the US government to seek justice against the ISIS members in civilian court, rather than at Guantanamo Humanitarian aid workers Kayla Mueller and Peter Kassig and journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff were all kidnapped and killed in the Middle Eastern country by the terror group.

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: April 2, 2018

The USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker is sponsored by CNA . These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy's deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready groups throughout the world as of April 2, 2018, based on Navy and public data.

The Guantanamo Defense Lawyers Quit Because They Found Microphones in Their Office Walls

The team of lawyers defending the accused USS Cole bomber resigned because they discovered their client meeting room was bugged, according to a report yesterday in The Miami Herald . Attorneys for Abd al Rahim al Nashiri, the Saudi man charged with orchestrating the 2000 attack on the U.S. Navy destroyer, quit the case in protest back in October and have refused multiple orders from the presiding judge to return to the commission.

CNN’s Jones: ‘If Barack Obama Had Done Just Half of What…

During an appearance on CNN's New Day Thursday morning, Van Jones suggested that "if Barack Obama had done half of what Trump did last week, he wouldn't be impeached, he'd be in Guantanamo." The New Day co-hosts had brought on Jones, a former Obama Administration official and host of CNN's The Van Jones Show to discuss the controversy surrounding President Trump and adult film star Stormy Daniels, who alleged that the two had an illicit affair a decade ago and was paid $130,000 in "hush money" right before the election by Trump's personal attorney.

Chelsea Manning draws little attention in Md. senate race new

Democratic Maryland Senator Ben Cardin is running for a third term in office this year, and while he'll be joined by several other names on the ballot, most of the other candidates for office lack any type of name recognition that will resonate with voters at a statewide level - except one. More than a few eyebrows were raised when Chelsea Manning put out a slickly produced video announcing her run for a U.S. Senate seat in Maryland, where the activist has lived since her release from a military prison.

Keeping Guantanamo open will only hurt US

During his first State of the Union address, President Donald Trump announced the issuance of an executive order that ignored the conclusion shared by both the Obama and Bush administrations: The detention facility at Guantanamo Bay does more harm to the United States than good. The new executive order revokes the Obama administration's official policy to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay "as soon as practicable" and paves the way for new, additional detainees to be added to the existing detainee population.

Two members of notorious ISIS death squad known as ‘the Beatles’ captured in Syria

An ISIS death squad became known as "the Beatles" among the people they held hostage because all four members had grown up in London before becoming radicalized and joining ISIS. The group was known for torture and execution, including the beheading of western hostages.

VIDEO: Trump’s SOTU Was “Campaign-Style” Racism

Donald Trump's first State of the Union address, IPS Middle East expert Phyllis Bennis told the Real News Network after the speech, was "a campaign-style speech" designed to appease Trump's right-wing base. While the president mostly avoided foreign policy, she noted, the views he did express were "extremist positions that are guaranteed to be popular with his base."

Trump wants to send terror suspects to Guantanamo Bay

President Trump's executive order paving the way to send more terrorism suspects to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba is reversing more than a decade of U.S. policy aimed at winding down operations at the notorious prison. The "Gitmo" facility hasn't accepted a new detainee since June 2008 during the Bush administration, when Muhammad Rahim al-Afghani was sent there.