Mike Pence praises Rich DeVos, touts federal tax cuts in Grand Rapids visit

Speaking Wednesday at Mill Steel Company, Vice President Mike Pence touted the economic impact of federal tax cuts, praised the Trump administration's efforts to bolster domestic steel production and paid tribute to late Amway co-founder Rich DeVos. "When it comes to small business America, when it comes to steel America, you have a champion in president Donald Trump," Pence said, later highlighting that Mill Steel doled out $1,000 bonuses to 400 employees following the passage of Republican-backed federal tax cuts in December.

Can school vouchers give kids a shot at a better education?

Can school vouchers give kids a shot at a better education? Education nominee Betsy DeVos faces her first Senate confirmation hearing Tuesday. Check out this story on USATODAY.com: http://usat.ly/2jO8Zme President-elect Donald Trump's nominee for Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos.

Betsy DeVos on Common Core, ‘I am not a supporter – period’

President-elect Donald Trump's selection of school choice advocate Betsy DeVos to be his secretary of education aligns with plans he's signaled during the campaign to make school choice and vouchers the focal point of his education agenda. "Under her leadership we will reform the U.S. education system and break the bureaucracy that is holding our children back so that we can deliver world-class education and school choice to all families," Trump said in Tuesday's announcement .

Betsy DeVos, Trump’s education pick, has deep ties to Christian Reformed community

President-elect Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he would nominate Betsy DeVos, a billionaire philanthropist with deep ties to the Christian Reformed community in Michigan, as his education secretary. DeVos is politically known in Michigan for her push for private school voucher programs, a position that has been controversial within public education circles.