Texas court preserves voter I.D. law

A Federal appellate court upheld a Texas voter identification law, thus reversing a lower court ruling that had found it allegedly discriminated against racial minorities. On Friday, a three-judge panel of the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals thus approved on a 2-1 vote Texas legislators' efforts to address faults previously found by the courts.

Senate confirms 15th circuit court judge in 15 months of…

The Senate on Tuesday confirmed the 15th circuit court judge since President Donald Trump took office 15 months ago, far outpacing the rate at his recent predecessors were able to fill vacancies in the powerful appeals courts in the early months of their administrations. The trend has potentially significant political consequences for the direction of the country's most influential federal benches at a time when several will be weighing questions about key administration policies, ranging from immigration to the environment.

The Final Rule: Next Steps After Vacatur

The nationwide vacatur of the Department of Labor "investment advice" fiduciary definition and related exemptions by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on March 15, 2018, does not bring an end to the challenges created by this extraordinary rulemaking. Both plan providers and plan sponsors will face significant responsibilities in unwinding the programs they had put in place to comply with the Final Rule-if the vacatur stands-and reinstating the predecessor ERISA regulation in their compliance programs, which apparently is to coincide with an uptick in "best interest" rulemaking by the Securities and Exchange Commission and among the states.

Fifth Circuit Affirms Sanctions Against Austin Attorney Mary Alice…

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has affirmed sanctions of an Austin attorney for a three-year suspension and more than $175,000, describing his contentions on appeal as "frivolous." U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark Lane of the Western District of Texas had ordered the sanctions against solo practitioner Omar Rosales in December 2016 after finding that Rosales had "defamed opposing counsel with false and abusive statements, attempted to derail the administration of justice with frivolous motions and submitted fabricated evidence to subvert proceedings in this court."

This Texas Law Is The PERFECT Antidote To California’s Sanctuary Madness

For those who respect the rule of law and value America's sovereignty, recent developments in California have been cause for dismay. The governor and several mayors there have thumbed their noses at our federal immigration laws, to the point where they are now actually tipping off illegal aliens about operations by federal immigration officers.

More on the status of SB4

Ed Sills sent this one-pager from MALDEF to his mailing list; there's no link and I couldn't find it on the MALDEF webpage, so I'm just going to copy and paste here: On March 13, 2018, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued its ruling on whether SB4 should be allowed to take effect while the lawsuit moves through court. Most of SB4 is in effect today.

DOL fiduciary rule: 5th Circuit decision could be big win for indexed annuities

The fiduciary rule may be taken off the books as a result of the ruling, and an SEC fiduciary standard wouldn't cover products not registered as securities Indexed annuities - and the intermediaries that sell them - appear to be the biggest benefactors of an appellate court's decision last week to vacate the Department of Labor fiduciary rule. While observers are divided on the ruling's implications, a consensus seems to be growing that the fiduciary rule would be erased nationwide if the DOL doesn't appeal - a potential outcome given the Trump administration's deregulatory agenda.

What to watch for next with the DOL fiduciary rule

A harrowing journey for the Labor Department's fiduciary rule has become even more treacherous in the last few days, following a decision by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to strike down the regulation . Will the DOL appeal the 5th Circuit decision? The agency has until April 30 to request a rehearing of the appeal before the entire 17-judge 5th Circuit.

Court Ruling On Texas Anti-Sanctuary City Law Sets The Stage For More Legal Battles

As Texas prepares to implement a law banning "sanctuary city" policies in that state, immigrant advocates say they will be documenting how the law is enforced as they continue their legal fight against it. A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that the law known as SB4 can take effect over the objections of a lower court , which issued an injunction in August 2017 that kept the law on hold.

Fifth Circuit, in Bankruptcy Ruling, Lets Convicted Businessman Pay…

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has ruled that a Texas businessman who was sentenced to two years in prison for bankruptcy fraud may use the sale of the proceeds of his house to pay his criminal defense attorneys, rejecting a U.S. bankruptcy trustee's attempts to claim the home sale proceeds as part of his estate. Curtis Harold DeBerry, the former owner of a failed produce company in Boerne, Texas, was eventually sentenced to two years in prison last year for hiding assets from creditors in bankruptcy.

The Latest: Federal appeals court won’t stop Texas execution

This undated photo provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice shows John David Battaglia who is scheduled for execution Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018, in Huntsville, Texas, for the May 2001 slayings of his two daughters. This undated photo provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice shows John David Battaglia who is scheduled for execution Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018, in Huntsville, Texas, for the May 2001 slayings of his two daughters.