XPONENTIAL Hosts Co-Located Events Focusing On Repair, Research, Safety, More

The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International today announced the line-up of co-located events taking place at XPONENTIAL 2017, including the Wireless Repair Roundup, which is partnering with AUVSI for the first time to provide invaluable training to wireless repair professionals and business owners on the opportunity and potential in the growing drone market. XPONENTIAL takes place at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in Dallas from May 8 to 11, 2017.

Bank Mergers Spread in Mideast as Low Oil Signals Boom Days Over

Oil's more than 50 percent plunge over the past two years is forcing countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to cut state spending, tap reserves and combine some of their largest banks to reduce costs and duplication. International Bank of Qatar QSC said this week they are in talks to create the country's largest sharia-compliant bank and the third-largest such lender in the Middle East, with assets worth more than 160 billion riyals . Talks are at an early stage, according to the banks, which didn't give details on the structure of the possible deal.