Senator Rand Paul Celebrates Festivus With ‘The Airing of Grievances’

Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is celebrating Festivus, the fictional non-commercial holiday popularized by TV's Seinfeld . As required by tradition, Paul is doing an online "airing of grievances" about government waste, Washington politics, and a certain White House occupant with a penchant for tweeting.

Rand Paul pokes fun at Donald Trump, fellow lawmakers in annual Festivus tradition

Sen. Rand Paul , Kentucky Republican, took aim at targets including President Trump's Twitter habit and wasteful federal spending during his "airing of grievances" Saturday, an annual Twitter tradition inspired by the quirky Festivus holiday at the center of a 1997 "Seinfeld" episode. Festivus is celebrated every Dec. 23 with a plain aluminum pole and activities including a "Feats of Strength" wrestling match and the "Airing of Grievances," according to Seinfeld lore.

CNN’s Jake Tapper celebrates ‘a Festivus for the rest of…

President Donald Trump may be headed to his "Winter White House" at Mar-A-Lago to celebrate Christmas with his family, but for CNN's Jake Tapper , it's a " Festivus for the rest of us." Despite Trump touting the "achievements" scored in his first year in office, Republicans, Tapper and his panelists said, are headed into the 2018 midterm elections with more intra-GOP splits than ever before.

Senator Rand Paul’s 2016 Festivus Twitter Storm

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul delivered his first gift of the holiday season with a Twitter storm of Festivus Tweets, including the "airing of grievances," and it's the best thing you'll see from Washington all day. Good morning Seinfeld fans and Happy Festivus everywhere! Today I'll have my annual #AiringofGrievances .