Mia Farrow’s adopted son Thaddeus Committed Suicide, medical examiner says

War zone in Charlotte: White man begs for mercy as he is beaten while a reporter is nearly dragged into a fire by rioters as people are told to stay home from work after police shooting of black father FBI investigating Brad Pitt: Police arrive at Jolie-Pitt compound as it is revealed federal agents are looking into alleged child abuse because incident occurred on private flight Jennifer Aniston 'never believed Angelina Jolie was right for her ex-husband Brad Pitt... and she refers to the star as Groom Raider' PICTURED: Is this the moment Brangelina's marriage fell apart? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie get into an argument at Legoland Marion Cotillard reveals she IS pregnant as she finally breaks her silence to deny affair with Brad Pitt and to wish him and Angelina 'peace in this very tumultuous moment' 'She's crazy, but I still love her': Brad Pitt wanted one more chance with Angelina ... (more)

VA puts latest estimate of veteran suicides at 20 per day

On average, 20 veterans a day committed suicide in 2014, a slight decrease from the previous government estimate, but federal health officials are cautious about concluding the suicide problem is getting better. Rather, they say the Department of Veterans Affairs is relying on a more comprehensive database than ever before, making comparisons to prior studies difficult and possibly offering a truer snapshot than what was captured in the past.

Donald Trump to bring up suicide of Clinton White House lawyer Vince Foster

Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster took his own life in 1993 at age 48, shooting himself in a Virginia park Conspiracy theories have swirled for decades about a possible long-term love affair with Hillary Clinton leading to his death While Trump said others continue to talk about Foster's death 'because they think it was a murder,' he insisted that 'I don't do that' Donald Trump hinted in an interview published Monday that the 1993 death of Bill Clinton-era White House lawyer Vince Foster, a suicide that sparked conspiracy theories for years, could be a potent headache for Hillary Clinton in the fall.