NYT Magazine’s Hack Attack on Rep. Devin Nunes: Catnip for the Frustrated Left

The New York Times Sunday magazine devoted 5,000 words to a hostile profile of Rep. Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who is infuriating liberals by blocking the narrative of Russia-Trump "collusion" during Campaign 2016. The Times is clearly trying to paint Nunes as a conspiratorial figure, as shown by the title to Jason Zengerle's piece -- the tagline from the influential U.F.O. conspiracy show, The X-Files : " The Truth Is Out There ."

Twitter is flooded with cruel taunts of people ENJOYING the blaze at Trump Tower

'Hoping there is major damage': Twitter is flooded with cruel taunts of people ENJOYING the blaze at Trump Tower which has left one dead and sparked 140 firefighters into action Trump blasts Justice Department for not releasing documents on Hillary Clinton and FISA and demands to know what the FBI and Justice Department are 'HIDING' from him Ohio State revokes Bill Cosby's honorary degree amid his sexual assault retrial - the FIRST time ever the university has rescinded the honor Waterpark owner is charged with second degree murder after 10-year-boy was decapitated during ride being investigated after threatening woman staying at his home People on Twitter had a field day poking fun at Trump and the fact the Trump Tower caught fire on Saturday As 140 firefighters rushed to make sure no one was harmed, folks took to their keyboard to share their jibes and conspiracy theories As ... (more)

Boston Globe Movie Review: Ted Kennedy Was ‘Flawed,’ But…

Burr claims that "I'll never know" what really happened the night Ted Kennedy drove off Chappaquiddick Island's Dike Road bridge and left Mary Jo Kopechne to die in his submerged car, "and neither will you." Besides, he insists, though Ted was "flawed but human," he had "endless accomplishments in the Senate."

CNN panel flays Roseanne for tweeting wild conspiracy theories about Trump and sex trafficking

During a Monday political discussion on CNN, the panel couldn't help but wonder when ABC will step in to curb Roseanne Barr's conspiracy theory tweets . Last week, Barr tweeted out a conspiracy theory that was a twist on PizzaGate , but had all of the same pieces like child sex trafficking and Hillary Clinton.

Trump reportedly hiring conspiracy theorist for his legal team

President Donald Trump has stepped up his attacks on Robert Mueller 's investigation in recent days, and his lawyer even suggested that the probe should be shut down. And just in case the direction in which this whole thing is headed wasn't clear, Trump may soon hire a lawyer who has argued he is being framed.

School shooting survivor knocks down ‘crisis actor’ claim

The attention has given him a powerful platform -- but it has also made him the subject of smear campaigns and demonstrably false conspiracy theories. Either he has been "coached" by his father, a former FBI agent; or he is a "pawn" for anti-gun campaigners; or, the most far-fetched, he is not a victim but a "crisis actor," paid to travel to disaster sites to argue against stricter gun laws.

The Unwavering Principles of Mitt Romney, Man of Integritude

Willard "Mitt" Romney was able to capture the Republican nomination in 2012 in part bu running to the furthest right of the major candidates on immigration. He proudly accepted the endorsement of Donald J. Trump, the New York City real estate grifter and reality TV star who became a major figure in the Republican Party by popularizing a racist conspiracy theory about Barack Obama.

The Nunes Memo, Spirit Cooking and Pizzagate

The confident pronouncements by pundits and politicians that the Nunes memo is a dud, dead on arrival, neglect to consider the main tactic of the Republican right wing for some time now. It is a conspiracy theory, and conspiracy theories carried Trump to the White House and many Republicans into Congress or state legislatures.

Chuck Todd Lets Teahadist Republicans Push Conspiracy Theories Around Nunes Memo Unchallenged

Chuck Todd may have had a temporary lapse where he behaved like an actual journalist for once and quit with his typical "both siderist" nonsense we typically hear from him in regard to this dud of a "Nunes memo" that was released this Friday. Sadly, that didn't stop him from allowing two of the so-called "Freedom Caucus" members to come on his show later that same day and lie and spew conspiracy theories about what the memo supposedly said and about who paid for the Steele dossier that Republicans have been desperate to use to discredit the entire Mueller investigation.

Arizona Senate candidate Arpaio ‘unaware’ he granted interview to anti-Semitic publication

Joe Arpaio, the former sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, who is now running for US Senate, is distancing himself from a fringe publication that promotes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that he's given multiple interviews to. The Republican candidate said Thursday he does not support anti-Semitism and was not aware the American Free Press published anti-Semitic articles.

Joe Arpaio has given at least 5 interviews to anti-Semitic publication

Maricopa County's controversial former sheriff who's now a GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate has given several interviews to a publication that traffics in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Joe Arpaio, whom President Trump pardoned last year after he was convicted of criminal contempt of court in connection with a federal civil-rights case, declined an opportunity Wednesday to distance himself from the extremist material.

Roy Moore once supported removing race and sex-based constitutional protections

In 2011, Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore agreed with a radio host known for promoting conspiracy theories that the United States would be better off if the seventeen constitutional amendments that followed the original Bill of Rights were repealed. "That would eliminate many problems," Moore said in audio unearthed by CNN .

What MSNBC Gave Up When It Gave In To A Right-Wing Smear Campaign

When right-wing conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich put an 8-year-old tweet from MSNBC contributor Sam Seder on blast last month, falsely claiming it was an endorsement of child rape, he bemoaned that the mainstream media would ignore his discovery. When MSNBC caught wind of the scandal Cernovich was attempting to incite, the cable news network decided to sever ties with Seder , who has regularly appeared on the network's shows for over a decade and hosts the podcast "The Majority Report."

Watch Shepard Smith Demolish Fox News’ Uranium One Clinton Conspiracy Theory

The only thing missing from Shepard Smith's complete debunking of his colleagues' Uranium One conspiracy theory was a calling out of the role that his own network has played in promoting this witch hunt into a Congressional investigation. In case you missed it, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced that he is considering appointing a special counsel to investigate Fox News' whataboutism for the Russia investigation: Hillary Clinton's role in approving the 2010 sale of the Uranium One sale to a Russian company.

Don Lemon quickly shuts down Trump surrogate trying to spin…

Don Lemon has put a stop to President Donald Trump's surrogates spouting debunked stories and conspiracy theories on his show. CNN has begun their ad campaign explaining that someone can call an apple a banana as much as they want, but that doesn't mean it will suddenly become one.

As JFK docs opened, North Dakotan Secret Service vet cries foul on conspiracy theories

Almost 54 years have passed since John F. Kennedy was slain in Dallas, and Clint Hill-a North Dakota native and member of the president's Secret Service detail-can still clearly remember every detail. It was Hill who leapt onto the back of Kennedy's automobile after shots echoed into Dealey Plaza, urging the driver to get the president to the hospital.

Paul Gosar Versus His Siblings: Brother Calls Congressman an ‘Embarrassment’

Paul Gosar's brother called him "an embarrassment" to the family on Friday, following up on a published letter by seven siblings blasting the Arizona Congressman for his conspiracy theories. His siblings had their blistering letter published in the Kingman Daily Miner on October 24, criticizing the Prescott congressman for his debunked theories about August's white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.