Pelosi surpasses four hours in immigration speech on House floor

Tyler recently shar... - Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi took to the floor Wednesday morning to address the emerging bipartisan federal spending deal in the Senate, pointing to several "Democrat priorities" included in the deal but drawing the line over the lack of a solution for so-called Dreamers whose status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy is in jeopardy after March 5. Pelosi announced she and a "large number" of House Democrats will oppose any deal unless Speaker Paul Ryan commits to a future open immigration debate, complaining House Democrats are second-class members of Congress without a commitment from Ryan.

Immigrants’ health withered by ongoing fear of deportation. Study suggests link to heart risks.

JANUARY 10: Activists rally for the passage of a "clean" Dream Act, one without additional security or enforcement measures, outside the New York office of Sen. Chuck Schumer , January 10, 2018 in New York City. The Dream Act, first introduced in 2001, is a proposed bill that would allow undocumented immigrants who came to the country as children to stay in the country legally.

It’s time for the feds to stop micromanaging birth control in the US

It might surprise American women to learn the process most of them have to undergo to access hormonal birth control - which requires an annual screening and a prescription from an obstetrician-gynecologist - is fairly unusual in most countries around the globe. A 2012 survey conducted by researchers at Ibis Reproductive Health and published in the journal Contraception looked at rules in 147 countries and found that only 31 percent of them required a doctor's prescription to obtain oral contraceptives.

Study Shreds Vaping As ‘Gateway’ To Smoking And Health Crisis Among Youth

Another group of researchers is sounding the alarm on the supposed dangers of vaping, warning it's "clear that e-cigarettes act as a gateway to smoking." A new study from the University of California, San Francisco claims to have found no evidence electronic cigarettes played a part in the youth smoking rate drop, and are actually converting vape users into full-time smokers.