Don’t Be Fooled: Democrats Are Eyeing Trump’s Impeachment With This Guy On House Judiciary

If there is a blue wave next year, expect impeachment proceedings, or endless investigations into the Trump White House, from Democrats. They're already laying the groundwork for that course of action with their latest pick to fill the top minority spot on the House Judiciary Committee.

Nevada Democrat, facing ethics probe, wona t seek re-election

First-term Democratic Congressman Ruben Kihuen of Nevada, who is at the center of sexual harassment allegations, announced Saturday he won't seek re-election. Kihuen's announcement came a day after the House Ethics Committee opened an investigation into whether Kihuen "may have engaged in sexual harassment" with a campaign aide and a lobbyist.

Congressman Will Not Seek Relection Amid Misconduct Probe

U.S. Representative Ruben Kihuen announced on Saturday that he will not seek re-election, becoming the latest member of Congress to end his legislative career in the face of sexual harassment allegations. The first-term Nevada Democrat, who is the subject of an ethics investigation in the House of Representatives, denied the allegations against him but concluded that the charges would distract from "a fair and thorough discussion of the issues" on the campaign trail.

Texas lawmaker to retire amid harassment accusations

Texas Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold won't seek re-election next year, two Republicans said Thursday, adding his name to the list of lawmakers leaving Congress amid sexual harassment allegations that have cost powerful men their jobs in politics, the arts and other businesses. The accusations against Farenthold first surfaced in 2014, when a former aide sued him over sexually suggestive comments and behavior and said she'd been fired after she complained.

N.J. Republican to lead investigation into lawmaker accused of sexual harassment

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Leonard Lance has been tapped to lead an ethics investigation against a Texas lawmaker accused of sexual harassment. It will be the first such case against a sitting member of Congress since the high-profile resignations of several lawmakers, including U.S. Sen. Al Franken.

Farenthold to retire from House amid harassment accusations

Texas Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold won't seek re-election next year, two Republicans said Thursday, adding his name to the list of lawmakers leaving Congress amid sexual harassment allegations that have cost powerful men their jobs in politics, the arts and other businesses. The accusations against Farenthold first surfaced in 2014, when a former aide sued him over sexually suggestive comments and behavior and said she'd been fired after she complained.

Nikki Haley’s belief that Trump’s accusers ‘should be heard’ surprised many in the White House

Now the national #MeToo spotlight is turning back to Trump and his past conduct. Several of his accusers are urging Congress to investigate his behavior, and a number of Democratic lawmakers are demanding his resignation.

Trump’s accusers speak out with new details of sexual…

President Donald Trump speaks at at a campaign-style rally at the Pensacola Bay Center, in Pensacola, Fla., Friday, Dec. 8, 2017. CREDIT: AP Photo/Susan Walsh President Trump called Jessica Leeds a "c**t" after allegedly groping her on an airplane in the late 1970's, Leeds said on Megyn Kelly Today Monday morning.

Trump accusers: “Heartbreaking” to see him elected despite sexual misconduct allegations

As the country grapples with a national reckoning over sexual misconduct allegations against powerful men from Hollywood to Capitol Hill, three women who accused the most high-profile man in the country again questioned Monday why their claims did nothing to stop him from winning the presidency. It was "heartbreaking" for women to go public with their claims against President Donald Trump last year, only to see him ascend to the Oval Office, said Samantha Holvey, a former Miss USA contestant who in October 2016 said Trump inappropriately inspected pageant participants.

Trump records a robo-calla for Moore ahead of Alabama vote

President Donald Trump sought to boost Republican U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore by releasing a recorded phone call on his behalf in the final stretch of a bitter Alabama election fight marked by accusations of sexual misconduct against Moore. Moore, a 70-year-old conservative Christian and former state judge, will face off in Tuesday's election against Democrat Doug Jones, a 63-year-old former U.S. attorney.

Alabama race epitomizes the turbulence of the Trump era

Alabama's high-stakes Senate election Tuesday perfectly encapsulates how the age of Donald Trump has turned political logic on its head: Republicans may lose by winning and Democrats can win by losing. Republican Roy Moore denies accusations of child molestation, but he's riding the President's endorsement.

Trump accusers a should be heard,a Haley says

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Sunday that any woman who has 'felt violated or felt mistreated' should speak up and be heard - including those who have accused President Donald Trump of groping or touching them. Women who have "felt violated or felt mistreated in any way" should speak up and be heard - including those who have accused President Donald Trump of touching or groping them, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Sunday.

Cory Booker calls on Donald Trump to resign

Cory Booker has called on President Donald Trump to resign, saying that Al Franken did 'the honorable thing' by stepping down from the senate. Booker, the Democrat senator from New Jersey, made the remarks on Saturday at an event in Montgomery, Alabama, where he is campaigning against Republican senate candidate Roy Moore.

The Great Dood Drain of ’17

"How can we expect the federal government to continue to function at its usual peak efficiency without the awesome 52 years of experience and institutional knowledge supplied by Michigan Congressman John Conyers? American government faces a congressional brain drain, Conyers's resignation in the wake of accusations of sexual harassment not being anything like unique. Yesterday, Senator Al Franken announced his impending resignation, as did Rep. Trent Franks - before allegations against him had even hit the news.

Republicans ceding high ground

By continuing to back Roy Moore for Alabama's U.S. Senate seat, national Republican leaders have ceded any claim to the moral high ground in the name of political expediency. In the long term, Republicans have likely dealt their political fortunes a serious blow as well.