Democratic presidential hopeful Wesley Clark, left, huddles with members of his staff, from left to right: speech writer Josh Gottheimer; trip coordinator Stacey Rubin; senior strategist Chris Lehane, and campaign chairman Eli Segal on Jan. 29, 2004. Gottheimer is now a Democratic lawmaker from New Jersey.
Independent journalist Kyle Mazza, 19, is live-tweeting President Donald Trump's speech in Florida from his Fair Lawn home, but just two days before he was in Washington, D.C. Fair Lawn teen got to question President Trump Independent journalist Kyle Mazza, 19, is live-tweeting President Donald Trump's speech in Florida from his Fair Lawn home, but just two days before he was in Washington, D.C. Check out this story on Teenage independent journalist Kyle Mazza live-tweeted President Trump's speech in Florida from his Fair Lawn home on Saturday, but just two days before he was in Washington, D.C., asking the president a question directly.