Prudential, the last nonbank SIFI, sheds the label

The Financial Stability Oversight Council announced Wednesday that it had voted unanimously to remove Prudential's label as a "systemically important financial institution" - the culmination of almost a decade of fierce debate about how regulators should address the risk of nonbank financial firms. FSOC's de-designation of the insurance giant means that no nonbank currently has the SIFI label.

Rep. Garrett announces he is an alcoholic and will not seek re-election

Rep. Thomas Garrett, R-Va., announced Monday that he is struggling with alcoholism and will abandon his run for a second term in Congress so he can focus on recovery and his family. Garrett, a member of the conservative Freedom Caucus, is the 44th Republican to retire or announce they will not seek reelection to the House this year, according to CNN's retirement tracker.

House Democrats just gave this N.J. rookie some help

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Josh Gottheimer, rated as just a slight favorite to win a second term, is getting some re-election help from his fellow Democrats. The House Majority PAC, a super political action committee aligned with the House Democratic leadership, began running online ads Tuesday in support of Gottheimer, D-5th Dist.

Year in Review: Gottheimer Is Building a Wall – of Money

Rep. Josh Gottheimer has raised over $2.2 million ahead of next year's congressional midterm elections, the most of any House candidate running in New Jersey in 2018, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. Gottheimer, a former speechwriter for President Bill Clinton, was first elected to represent his North Jersey district in 2016, unseating Republican incumbent Scott Garrett in the process.

Senate Committee Rejects Trump Nominee After Intense Opposition From Big Business

The Senate banking committee rejected President Donald Trump's choice to lead the Export-Import Bank on Tuesday, voting 10-13 against advancing his nomination to the full Senate. WASHINGTON - The Senate banking committee rejected President Donald Trump's choice to lead the Export-Import Bank on Tuesday, voting 10-13 against advancing his nomination to the full Senate.

Banking panel kills Trump nominee to lead Export-Import Bank – Tue, 19 Dec 2017 PST

Two Banking Committee Republicans, Tim Scott of South Carolina and Mike Rounds of South Dakota, joined with Democrats to shelve the nomination of former GOP Rep. Scott Garrett of New Jersey to head up the bank, which provides loans, credit insurance and loan guarantees to help foreign buyers purchase U.S. exports. It has many GOP critics who say it distorts markets and that too much of its help benefits large corporations like Boeing.

Oroho, Doherty endorse Lonegan for 2018 congressional bid

A Republican congressional candidate seeking to reclaim the 5th District for his party in November 2018 has picked up endorsements from two of northwest New Jersey's most conservative state senators. The campaign for Steve Lonegan announced that state Sens. Steven Oroho, R-24th Dist., and Michael Doherty, R-23rd Dist., have endorsed the former Bogota mayor in his bid to replace U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-5th Dist.

Trump Appoints Critic of Ex-Im Bank to Lead It

Just a few days after declaring his support of the Export-Import Bank, President Trump will nominate former Rep. Scott Garrett , a leading critic of the bank, to head it, the Wall Street Journal reports. "Mr. Garrett voted in 2012 and in 2015 against renewing the charter of the Ex-Im Bank, which guarantees loans for companies that export U.S. products.

The Wall Street Journal: Trump plans to nominate Scott Garrett,…

President Donald Trump said Friday he would nominate former congressman Scott Garrett, who has supported closing the U.S. Export-Import Bank, to head the credit agency. Garrett voted in 2012 and in 2015 against renewing the charter of the Ex-Im Bank, which guarantees loans for companies that export U.S. products.

Even a Democratic congressman has to answer for Trump at town hall

Republican House members aren't the only ones who arrived home this weekend to critics of President Donald Trump jamming town-hall meetings and holding signs demanding that they "resist." Freshman Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., held an impromptu question-and-answer session at the Land & Sea diner here Sunday morning, scrapping his plan to have only one-on-one chats with constituents.

Even a Democratic congressman has to answer for Trump

Democratic presidential hopeful Wesley Clark, left, huddles with members of his staff, from left to right: speech writer Josh Gottheimer; trip coordinator Stacey Rubin; senior strategist Chris Lehane, and campaign chairman Eli Segal on Jan. 29, 2004. Gottheimer is now a Democratic lawmaker from New Jersey.

Gottheimer to go to inauguration, cites ‘respect for office’

Recently elected New Jersey Rep. Josh Gottheimer is diverging from some of his Democratic colleagues and planning to attend Friday's presidential inauguration. It's a not-so-surprising move from someone who's already raised eyebrows by being one of just four Democrats to vote for a Republican-backed bill on regulation rollbacks.

Rep. Garrett: Staff working to clear open constituent cases

Outgoing Rep. Scott Garrett says his office has been furiously working to clear every constituent with an open casework file before Democrat Josh Gottheimer takes over his seat. The Record reports the 5th District Republican said Monday that he hasn't responded to correspondence from his challenger because he has nothing to tell him yet.