D.C. Briefs

Committee Democrats have been clamoring for the release of the Russia investigation documents for months, but it was only in recent weeks that Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., also began to opine that the transcripts should be made public - adding that it should be done before the midterm elections. That has not resolved political tensions, however, as Republicans and Democrats on the already fractured committee argued over why the panel had omitted five interview transcripts from the release.

Judge Rules Airbnb Can’t Dodge Aimco’s Illegal Sublease Claims in Miami

Airbnb Inc., having escaped a major U.S. landlord's lawsuit over partying tourists at high-end Los Angeles apartments, will have to defend itself against the same allegations by the same landlord in Miami. A Florida state court judge on Wednesday denied Airbnb's request to throw out Apartment Investment & Management Co.'

Rep. Garrett announces he is an alcoholic and will not seek re-election

Rep. Thomas Garrett, R-Va., announced Monday that he is struggling with alcoholism and will abandon his run for a second term in Congress so he can focus on recovery and his family. Garrett, a member of the conservative Freedom Caucus, is the 44th Republican to retire or announce they will not seek reelection to the House this year, according to CNN's retirement tracker.

As special session begins Monday, Speaker Taylor Barras faces…

Paperwork has been distributed and extra chairs have been set up in the Louisiana House chamber ready for Gov. John Bel Edwards' address to legislators at 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 17, 2018. The 17-day special session aims to address a $1 billion deficit in the state budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1. The 144 members of Louisiana's Legislature will convene Monday in a special session that will mark their fifth attempt in two years to solve the state's recurring budget problems.

Students would get loan info under bill OKa d in Michigan

Michigan universities and colleges would be required to give students information about their federal loans each year under a bill advancing in the Legislature. Supporters say there is evidence from other states that providing students with more information about their debt leads to better financial planning.

Trump sends Marino’s drug czar nomination to Senate for confirmation

President Trump has forwarded to the Senate his nomination of Pennsylvania Congressman Thomas A. Marino to be the next drug czar. Marino's can be confirmed by a simple majority of the Senate, said Daniel C. Bucheli, press secretary for the office on National Drug Control Policy.

House conservatives hope to revive Obamacare repeal vote NEW

Conservatives in the House hope to revive the failed effort to gut the Affordable Care Act with a long-shot drive to force Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to hold a vote to simply repeal the health care law without a replacement. Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus want to seize control of the health care debate by petitioning Republicans to hold a vote on a version of a repeal bill that passed the House in 2015.

Edible: a D.C. adventure speaks to how life should work.

The Reubens, bacon-scallop grits and lobster-stuffed avocado-and happy servers at the diner counter-make CF Folks a hole-in-the-wall hit. The Reubens, bacon-scallop grits and lobster-stuffed avocado-and happy servers at the diner counter-make CF Folks a hole-in-the-wall hit.

Your 2018 Voting Guide

When you go to the polls in the fall of 2018, if your incumbent is a Republican congressmen, here is what you now know what they do and don't care about: Hours before a scheduled vote on a Republican bill that would repeal and replace major parts of Obamacare, a GOP congressman suggested that neither he - nor anyone else - has actually read the entire bill. But Rep. Thomas Garrett of Virginia said his "staff" had read all of the parts of the bill - which he plans to vote for.

EDITORIAL: Finding Fla.a s voice through the pot debate

The Florida Legislature opened its 2017 session Tuesday, and before they wrap up this year, lawmakers must cement the will of 71 percent of the voters who last November wanted medical marijuana written into the state Constitution in the belief that it would help some of their sickest neighbors.

GOP seeks the return of earmarks after pas…

A trio of respected Republicans is pushing for the return of some earmarks to Capitol Hill, saying it's time to restore Congress' full power of the purse - and drawing passionate pushback from conservative groups who say the GOP would betray its voters if it returned to pork barrel spending. A vote on the rules change is expected behind closed doors among House Republicans on Wednesday, and if it's successful, the GOP will try to make a change for the entire Congress.