Today in History: Gettysburg Address, Moon landing & more

This undated illustration depicts President Abraham Lincoln making his Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery on the battlefield at Gettysburg, Pa., Nov. 19, 1863. The cemetery commemorates soldiers who died in the American Civil War Battle of Gettysburg in July.

US court hears case involving impersonation of AP journalist

A federal appeals court heard arguments Monday in a case that developed after an FBI agent pretended to be an Associated Press journalist as part of an investigation into bomb threats at a high school in Washington state. When the ruse became public in 2014, the AP and a press freedom organization attempted to get government records about the case and any other times FBI agents have impersonated journalists.

The Oreskes question: Is Blood thicker than Objective Reporting @NPR ?

If anyone had engaged in a one-word internet search of the name "Oreskes" prior to October 31st, 2017, the results would have largely been for Naomi Oreskes, famed ' exposer of corporate-corrupted skeptic climate scientists,' with a sprinkling of other references to National Public Radio Chief Editor Michael Oreskes. After October 31st, albeit largely buried by news of the Manhattan terrorist attack, the news about Michael Oreskes' alleged indiscretions was hard to miss.

Ronan Farrow’s latest Weinstein piece reflects exactly why women don’t report sexual violence

A month after the start of a wave of reporting chronicling first-hand accounts of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape by producer Harvey Weinstein over decades, a new report illuminates the horrifying measures Weinstein took in an attempt to keep women silent. On November 6, reporter Ronan Farrow published his third article in The New Yorker related to reports of decades of sexual misconduct by Weinstein ; this time, it was focused on the extreme efforts Weinstein and his legal team took to surveil and intimidate women seeking to come forward.

Radio Host Apologizes for Calling Congresswoman “Whore”

Hours before he was scheduled to be inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame, KFI AM 640's Bill Handel apologized in a pre-recorded message that aired recently on the station. Journalist and political commentator Janmyne Cannick, who's been pressuring the station and its owner over the remark, archived the clip .

What to know about Paradise Papers

A trove of leaked documents made public Sunday purports to show financial ties between Russia and a member of President Trump's cabinet. The leak, called the Paradise Papers, was revealed when the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and its dozens of collaborating news outlets on Sunday published investigations related to them.

The 25 best political podcasts for anxious liberals

But, honestly, the ability of podcasts to present interviews and storytelling and package elements differently than in broadcast or print makes them particularly good for presenting what listeners need to know about the often dry - and currently infuriating - world of politics. As well, the fact that you can drink in all this endless political intel on the go, that podcasts can be listened to anywhere you bring your phone, makes keeping up with the Beltway circus a breeze compared to the chore of reading grim dispatches from the Hill all day .

German reporter visits Saginaw looking for voters who changed mind about Trump

Its been nearly a year since Donald Trump won the presidential election and a German newspaper is on the hunt in Saginaw to see if his supporters are still confident about casting their vote for him. Reporter Herbert Bauernebel, 52, and photographer Tobias Everke, 55, are freelance journalists with Bild, a German tabloid newspaper, based in Berlin.

The – dossier’ and the uranium deal: A guide to the latest allegations

As a service to readers bound to be confused by an increasingly tangled story, here's a brief guide to the latest developments in the tangled allegations involving Russia, President Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Background: The ''dossier'' is a collection of 17 memos concerning Trump and Russia written by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer, between June 20 and Dec. 13, 2016.

CALmatters Commentary: California economy humming, but high poverty persists

When, for example, he unveiled a revised state budget last May, he included what has become boilerplate, warning that "by the time the budget is enacted in June, the economy will have finished its eighth year of expansion - only two years shorter than the longest recovery since World War II. A recession at some point is inevitable."

The ‘dossier’ and the uranium deal: A guide to the latest allegations

Fusion GPS is an opposition research firm run by ex-journalists, but how is it connected to the Trump dossier, Donald Trump Jr.'s Trump Tower meeting and the 2016 election? The Fact Checker's Glenn Kessler explains. As a service to readers bound to be confused by an increasingly tangled story, here's a brief guide to the latest developments in the tangled allegations involving Russia, President Trump and Hillary Clinton Background: The "dossier" is a collection of 17 memos concerning President Trump and Russia written by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer, between June 20 and Dec. 13, 2016.

MSNBC Guest: ‘Virtually All Racists Belong to the Republican Party’

Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC displayed the latest example of the liberal news network's eagerness to bring the kind of Republicans onto their shows who will trash other Republicans. While appearing as a guest to promote his book, former George H.W. Bush Treasury official Bruce Bartlett actually asserted that "virtually all racists belong to the Republican party today," and made a Nazi reference to Josef Goebbels as he attacked the right-wing media for supposedly misinforming conservatives.

In topsy-turvy Washington, Democrats are no longer the hunters

Author and columnist Mark Steyn told Tucker Carlson on Fox News this week that the probes into President Donald Trump's supposed collusion with Russian interests resemble but an outrageous "high-concept thriller" in which he is innocent. On Wednesday, Steyn and Carlson discussed the revelation that a dossier on Trump that may have influenced the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate then-candidate Trump was created by the research firm Fusion GPS and the behest of Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee.