GOP Dashes Dems’ Upset Hopes in Kansas, Conservative Holds Congressional Seat

Republican Ron Estes has defeated Democrat James Thompson in Kansas' fourth Congressional District, holding that seat for the GOP. As we mentioned earlier today in our preview of the race , this is theoretically a very safe red seat, with Republicans controlling it ever since the 1994 wave election.

Elizabeth Warren vote put political gain above helping Mass.

CONSTITUENT SERVICES? Three months ago, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren voted against a health bill that had Massachusetts as a major beneficiary. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren says the GOP plan to replace Obamacare will hurt sick people yet she was among just a handful of senators to vote against a bipartisan Obama-sponsored health measure that's targeting billions at medical research, including for her home state.

Stephen Miller told voter fraud claims are ‘delusional’

New Hampshire officials and operatives are pushing back on Trump adviser Stephen Miller's claims of voter fraud in the Granite State Parroting his boss, President Donald Trump, Miller said Sunday that it was 'very real' that voters from Massachusetts were bused into New Hampshire New Hampshire officials and operatives, including some Republicans, are pushing back on White House Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller's claims that voters were bused from Massachusetts to the Granite State to tamper with the 2016 election. 'There's zero evidence to support it,' said former state GOP chair Fergus Cullen in an interview with Politico .

Mass. Fiscal Alliance chair, Pepperell resident, weighing run for US Senate

Republican Rick Green, the wealthy owner of a Pepperell-based auto parts company and founder of the conservative non-profit Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance, may challenge U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren for re-election in 2018, according to two sources with knowledge of his thinking. Green, who once came up two votes shy of becoming chair of the Massachusetts Republican Party, is "thinking about it," according to a close associate, but feels no rush make a decision despite Warren sounding the starting gun last week when she formally declared her intention to seek a second term.

Rick Perry met with Trump Monday; Tuesday he’s ‘Dancing with the Stars”

NOVEMBER 21: Former Texas Governor Rick Perry leaves Trump Tower on November 21, 2016 in New York City. President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team are in the process of filling cabinet and other high level positions for the new administration.

Trump auditions Cabinet prospects high above Manhattan

Donald Trump held court from his perch high above Manhattan on Monday, receiving a line of former rivals, longtime allies and TV executives while overseeing a presidential transition that at times resembles a reality show like the one he once hosted. Trump met with nearly a dozen prospective hires, all of whom were paraded in front of the cameras set up in the Trump Tower lobby as they entered an elevator to see the president-elect.

A question for Democrats: Who will challenge Charlie Baker?

Newton Mayor Setti Warren's announcement this week that he wouldn't run for reelection gave Massachusetts Democrats something to ponder besides the wreckage of Tuesday's election: Is Warren going to run for governor instead? Can they shift the conversation to that now, please? Someone is going to have to challenge first-term Republican Governor Charlie Baker, who, despite continued popularity, suffered a few dents in his agenda in Tuesday's election. "The 2016 elections have shown us that no one is preordained to win an election," said Jay Cincotti, executive director of the Massachusetts Democratic Party.

Former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown named in Fox News sexual harassment lawsuit

Former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros said in a lawsuit filed Monday that she was sexually harassed by former network chief Roger Ailes and other top executives - including former U.S. Sen. Scott Brown. Tantaros said in the lawsuit that Brown, who represented Massachusetts in the Senate from 2010 to 2013, "made a number of sexually inappropriate comments," to her when he appeared on her show "Outnumbered," on Aug. 18, 2015, "I have no knowledge of what she's referring to.

And ita s off to Marthaa s Vineyard

It is vacation time for President Obama and his family, who will step aboard Air Force One on Saturday and head north to sleek and refreshing Martha's Vineyard for the annual summer getaway - the last for them, at least as the first family. Younger daughter Sasha already has arrived.

Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ attack rooted in Warren heritage issue

Donald Trump derisively refers to Sen. Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas," a taunt rooted in the Democrat's claims of Native American heritage that roiled her 2012 election win in Massachusetts. "She's as Native American as I am," the New York businessman and presumptive Republican presidential nominee said.

If You Fail to Plan, Then You Plan to Fail

Like my colleague David Atkins, I think a Hillary Clinton-Elizabeth Warren ticket would be a strong one for the national Democratic Party; on MSNBC this morning, Joy Reid also noted Warren's merits as a running mate for Clinton. However, as a Massachusetts native, I cannot dismiss concerns that Warren's departure from the Senate upon becoming Vice President would quickly become a disaster for the state Democratic Party.

Carlson: GOP allows Trump to brand the party as if it’s one of his hotels

For all the uproar over Donald Trump's attacks on U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, not one Republican has withdrawn support of the party's presumptive nominee, or even reconsidered the blanket excuse for backing him that Hillary Clinton is worse. Maybe the revelation on Monday of Trump's instructions to high-ranking supporters such as former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer will change that.