Rick Green focused on hard work

With no opponent in the Republican primary, Rick Green spent close to a year running for the 3rd Congressional District out of the spotlight, keeping his presence known but having to wait until the 10-way Democratic primary settled to know his opponent would be Lori Trahan. Now that the race is clearly defined, Green said his campaign has not changed beyond bringing on additional staff and volunteers.

Republicans seeking to challenge U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren to debate on Herald Radio

The three Republican contenders vying to challenge U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren will face off for the first time tomorrow in a potentially pivotal debate on Boston Herald Radio. The hourlong debate live on the "Battenfeld" show, set for noon in the Herald Radio studio, will be the first time all three GOP candidates sit down together and tangle over the issues - ranging from taxes to President Trump to foreign policy.

NBC Hands Warren A Safety Net, Gives Her An Excuse To Refuse DNA Test

An NBC News fact-check may give Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren the cover she needs to further explain her repeated refusals to take a DNA test that would prove the Native American ancestry she has claimed to have. DNA tests are not widely accepted as proof of tribal citizenship - in part because the DNA could not show a specific tribe, only some genetic markers from Native people - and are more unreliable for Native Americans than for other ancestral regions.

Flyers’ top prospects will be on display at development camp beginning Thursday

Sam Carchidi became an Inquirer staff writer in 1984 and covered mostly South Jersey high school sports and the Phillies before taking the Flyers beat. Carchidi has written three books: the nationally acclaimed Miracle in the Making: The Adam Taliaferro Story, which he co-authored with Scott Brown; Bill Campbell: The Voice of Philadelphia Sports ; and Standing Tall: The Kevin Everett Story , which was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

Conor Lamb: Lunchpail Democrat, Trumpian Republican

First it was Jon Ossoff, the Georgia whiz kid reeking of progressive enthusiasm and tech upstarts, who lost to Karen Handel in a special House election last year. Now another model has emerged off their Wunderkind-o-Matic: Conor Lamb, the thirty-something Marine Corps vet who aimed to succeed former congressman Tim Murphy in Pennsylvania's 18th district.

Warren can be topped, but it’s a big hill to climb

The three main Republican rivals looking to unseat U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren actually believe they have a chance to pull off the seemingly impossible in this impossibly blue state. Several factors give Winchester businessman John Kingston, state Rep. Geoff Diehl of Whitman and Groton's Beth Lindstrom, a longtime Massachusetts Republican Party operative, reason for hope.

Presidents Should Never Name Sitting Office Holders to Appointed Positions

One lesson of the Alabama Senate race that does not seem to ever sink to either party is that there is no good reason for a president to name sitting office holders in critical positions to the Cabinet. I'm sure when Trump named Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III as Attorney General, Republicans thought there was absolutely no way they could possibly lose that seat.

House, Senate leaders reach deal on sweeping tax package

House and Senate GOP leaders forged an agreement Wednesday on a sweeping overhaul of the nation's tax laws, paving the way for final votes next week to slash taxes for businesses and give many Americans modest tax cuts starting next year. Top GOP aides said lawmakers had reached an agreement in principle on the final package.


Brian Beutler reminds us of how the Democrats and Republicans behaved when Scott Brown won his Senate seat in the midst of a historic debate about health care just 8 years ago: Republican leaders are on the brink of losing more than just the Alabama Senate seat. They are, among other things, also poised to break the promises they made to Sen. Susan Collins to secure her vote for the corporate tax cut bill.

Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Pocahontas’ Controversy

Is Sen. Elizabeth Warren part Native American? Is that how she got jobs as a professor at Ivy League law schools? Warren has not proved that she is part Native American, and no one has proved that she was ever hired because of her alleged racial background. What are the facts regarding Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage and did she use it to further her career? No proof has emerged that confirms that Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is, as she has claimed, part Native American.

.com | Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ jab at Navajo event draws sharp criticism

US President Donald Trump has been more than a little vocal about his dislike for news network CNN. Well, their feud reached new heights on the weekend... WATCH Flagstaff Families of Native American war veterans and politicians of both major parties are criticising President Donald Trump for using a White House event honouring Navajo Code Talkers to take a political jab at a Democratic senator he has nicknamed "Pocahontas".

Trumpa s a Pocahontasa jab stuns families of Navajo war vets

Families of Navajo war veterans who were honoured at the White House say they were dumbfounded that President Donald Trump used the event to take a political jab at a Massachusetts senator, demeaning their work with an unbreakable code that helped the U.S. win World War II. Trump turned to a nickname he often deployed for Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren during the 2016 presidential campaign: Pocahontas.

At a Navajo veterans’ event, Trump makes ‘Pocahontas’ crack

President Donald Trump, during an event at the White House honoring Navajo code talkers Monday, referenced his nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren, "Pocahontas," a label he has long used about the Massachusetts Democrat. "I just want to thank you because you are very, very special people.

US Ambassador Brown accepts advice after conduct complaint

In this Jan. 8, 2015 file photo, former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown greets people on the floor of the House Chamber at the Statehouse in Boston. U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand Brown told a New Zealand website Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017, he accepted advice that he should be more culturally aware after a U.S. inquiry into his conduct at a Peace Corps event in Samoa.

Ossoff, Handel debate in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District race

"We're committed to participating in debates moderated by members of the metro Atlanta press corps, so unfortunately Jon will not be attending the proposed debate on June 13th", Mesner wrote. The June 20 election is still two weeks away, but Federal Election Commission reports reviewed by Bloomberg BNA showed a total of more than $20.1 million in independent campaign expenditures in the race so far.

AP Explains: House GOP takes aim at financial regulations

Then-Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., right, and then-House Financial Services Committee Chairman Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., speak May 21, 2010, to reporters outside the White House in Washington after their meeting with President Barack Obama. House Republicans are targeting the financial regulations established by a Democratic-led Congress after the Great Recession.

President Trump cries obstruction, but has nominated few ambassadors

President Trump is blasting Congressional Democrats for obstructing his nominations, but his administration has not nominated candidates for the vast majority of positions that require Senate approval. In fact, the administration has only nominated 10 ambassador-level positions, including the cabinet-level position of ambassador to the United Nations, former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley.