Former Iowa Gov. Ray’s legacy contrasts with modern GOP

Regarded as a savior to many Vietnam War refugees and as a political centrist willing to cross party lines, former Iowa Gov. Robert D. Ray will be remembered at a funeral Friday as a beloved leader - who likely would have a tough time being elected in today's political climate. As Iowa residents of all political stripes reflect on the Republican governor's 14-year bipartisan legacy, many acknowledge that the qualities that made Ray so respected and effective would largely disqualify him as a politician today, reflecting dramatic changes in state and national politics in the 35 years since he left office.

Record absentee votes point to hefty turnout in Iowa primary

Wealthy Des Moines businessman Fred Hubbell easily won the five-way Iowa Democratic primary race Tuesday to run against Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds, who advanced to the fall campaign uncontested in her primary. Hubbell, who provided millions of dollars of his own money to fund a high profile campaign, significantly outperformed competitors including a union local president, a physician, a former party chairman and a mayor.

Iowa state official fired for sexually explicit language had recently …

Less than a month before Gov. Kim Reynolds fired him, Dave Jamison said 100 percent of his staff had taken sex harassment prevention class Iowa state official fired for sexually explicit language had recently completed sexual harassment prevention training Less than a month before Gov. Kim Reynolds fired him, Dave Jamison said 100 percent of his staff had taken sex harassment prevention class Check out this story on Dave Jamison was independently warned by as many as three high-ranking executives of the Iowa Finance Authority to tame his sultry talk. Then Gov. Terry Branstad, Lt.

Democratic hope primary heralds return to relevance in Iowa

After nearly a decade of disappointing elections, Iowa Democrats hope the primary will begin what they acknowledge could be a slow return to relevance in what has historically been swing state dominated lately by Republicans. Democratic losses in four straight elections have handed the GOP most of the state's congressional delegation, both legislative chambers and the secretary of state's office.

Iowa governor fires ally over sexual harassment allegations

Gov. Kim Reynolds said Monday she abruptly fired one of her longtime political allies after her staff received allegations that the official had sexually harassed multiple employees. The Republican governor told reporters she learned about "credible" complaints of misconduct by Iowa Finance Authority director David Jamison on Friday night.

Iowa governor’s budget transfer was illegal, lawsuit claims

Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds and a top aide broke the law when they transferred $13 million from a reserve fund to balance the budget, a Democratic lawmaker argues in a lawsuit filed Tuesday. The lawsuit was filed against Reynolds and Department of Management director Dave Roederer by Rep. Chris Hall of Sioux City, ranking member on the House Appropriations committee.

Unclear if Iowa lawmakers will touch privatized Medicaid

There appears to be consensus among Democrats and Republicans in the Iowa Legislature that there are problems with the state's privatized Medicaid program, but there is less agreement over what, if anything, legislators should do about it when they return to the Capitol in a few weeks. Lawmakers in the Republican-controlled statehouse are expected to address a range of topics when they gather in January, including taxes and water quality.

LocalIowa, Nebraska road projects see boost from gas tax increase

Two years after Iowa and Nebraska raised their gas taxes, both states are seeing a flurry of new roadway projects at a time when national infrastructure efforts have stalled. The extra revenue has allowed state and local officials to move forward quickly on overdue bridge repairs and plans for major highway projects.

The Latest: Democrat says party at fault for heartland loss

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President Trump cries obstruction, but has nominated few ambassadors

President Trump is blasting Congressional Democrats for obstructing his nominations, but his administration has not nominated candidates for the vast majority of positions that require Senate approval. In fact, the administration has only nominated 10 ambassador-level positions, including the cabinet-level position of ambassador to the United Nations, former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley.

Senate panel approves Branstad for China post

Gov. Terry Branstad laughs at a joke last week during a hearing before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on his nomination to become U.S. ambassador to China. Gov. Terry Branstad laughs at a joke last week during a hearing before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on his nomination to become U.S. ambassador to China.

Interior IDs 27 monuments for possible end to protections

Republicans are claiming a triumph by pushing their bill scuttling much of President Barack Obama's health care law through the House, but it faces a bumpy road in the Senate. Republicans are claiming a triumph by pushing their bill scuttling much of President Barack Obama's health care law through the House, but it faces a bumpy road in the Senate.

Trump nominee for China ambassador promises firm line on Beijing

President Donald Trump's nominee for ambassador to China promised on Tuesday to take a firm line with Beijing on issues from North Korea to trade disputes and human rights, and seemed poised for an easy confirmation by the U.S. Senate. WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump's nominee for ambassador to China promised on Tuesday to take a firm line with Beijing on issues from North Korea to trade disputes and human rights, and seemed poised for an easy confirmation by the U.S. Senate.

Democrats view of Iowa’s collective bargining bill

In response to the passing of Republican-sponsored, SF213 and HF291, bills that gut a Chapter 20 law that has worked well for forty years to the benefit of working men and women in Iowa, Iowa Democratic Party Chair, Derek Eadon issued the following statement: "This assault on worker's rights is an attack on thousands of Iowa families. This bill does nothing to create jobs in Iowa, and it will only make it more difficult for Iowans to get ahead in the future.

Voting Rights Roundup: Court blocks key part of North Carolina GOP’s undemocratic power grab

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.But according... a- North Carolina : Democrat Roy Cooper defeated Republican Gov. Pat McCrory last year, breaking the GOP's chokehold on North Carolina's state government. Soon thereafter, Republicans lawmakers engaged in an unprecedented and undemocratic power grab that usurped key powers from the governor's office before McCrory left office on Jan. 1. Among other things, they passed legislation to curtail Cooper's authority over state and county boards of election and undermine his ability to make appointments to key executive offices, all of which McCrory signed.