Iowa Poll: Trump has big fan base among Iowa Republicans, but they welcome challengers

DES MOINES, Iowa President Donald Trump remains popular among Iowa Republican voters , but they want the door politely held open for GOP challengers. A new Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows Trump has an 81 percent approval rating among registered Republicans in Iowa.

Bit milder today, but still chilly

After being stuck in the low 40s yesterday, a breezy southwest wind ahead of a cold front will allow temps to reach the low 50s today. The breeze will offset the warm-up, though, so keep those thicker jackets handy! The aforementioned cold front will pass though "dry" later this afternoon, setting the stage for another day mired in the 40s on Wednesday.

Kamala Harris planning Iowa campaign trip

Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris of California has scheduled her first campaign trip to Iowa before Election Day, stoking speculation about a potential 2020 presidential campaign. The first-term senator plans stops on Oct. 22-23 in what will be her first visit to nation's leadoff presidential caucus state since she was elected in 2016.

Report: Millions of tweets spread anti-Semitic messages

Pelosi says House takeover will be won by small margins in many districts, including in places like central Iowa where Trump narrowly won. U.S. military officials have sought to ward off congressional efforts to address sexual assaults on bases among the children of service members, even as they disclose that the problem is larger than previously... U.S. military officials have sought to ward off congressional efforts to address sexual assaults on bases among the children of service members, even as they disclose that the problem is larger than previously acknowledged.

Saudi airstrikes hit presidency building in Yemen, killing 6

Vladimir Putin has taken the oath of office for his fourth term as Russian president, in a ceremony in an ornate Kremlin hall glimmering with gold leaf. Vladimir Putin has taken the oath of office for his fourth term as Russian president, in a ceremony in an ornate Kremlin hall glimmering with gold leaf.

Iowa lawmakers approve the most restrictive US abortion bill

DES MOINES, Iowa >> Republican lawmakers with control of the Iowa statehouse fast-tracked a bill early Wednesday that would ban most abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, usually around six weeks of pregnancy, sending what could be the nation's most restrictive abortion legislation to the governor. Critics say the so-called “heartbeat” bill would ban the medical procedure before some women even know they're pregnant, and it sets the state up for a legal challenge over its constitutionality.

RNC chief on life in Trump’s inner orbit: ‘I’m still here’

In this Nov. 8, 2017, file photo, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel speaks to reporters before the Republican Party of Iowa's annual Reagan Dinner in Des Moines, Iowa. Hours after her friend and colleague at the Republican National Committee had been accused of sexual misconduct, Ronna McDaniel was on the phone with President Donald Trump for a difficult conversation.

Trump in Japan: What Will the Picky President Eat in the Country Known for Its Food?Newsweek

President Donald Trump's five-country Asian tour is packed with meetings and events discussing thony issues such as trade agreements and the North Korean threat, but one thing that he won't have to worry about is where to find a good steak. Ahead of the trip to a country known for its strict etiquette, Trump's staffers were reportedly worried the president would say or do something embarrassing and offensive, but Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is doing his best to make Trump feel at home.

‘He’s got to step up to the plate’: Schumer challenges Trump to …

Senator Chuck Schumer speaks to the crowd at the 2013 Iowa Democratic Party Jefferson Jackson Dinner in Des Moines, IA According to a press release from the office of Sen. Chuck Schumer , the the Democratic Party leader has invited President Donald Trump to testify before the Senate under oath about his interactions with fired FBI Director James Comey. "I would like to invite the President to testify before the Senate," Schumer said on Face the Nation .