Higher Education Bubble Update: Video: Law prof: says Department of…

More than a dozen of students and professors blasted the Illinois College of Law last week, labeling it a "sh*thole" for hosting an event that featured a Department of Justice official. According to the school's calendar, the college of law sponsored last week's lecture by Deputy Solicitor General Malcolm Stewart, who was invited by the university to discuss various topics relating to the justice system.

More on Bill Warren

William Warren, a former dean of UCLA School of Law who left a lasting imprint on the school and the nation's commercial laws, died on May 30, 2017. He was 92. UCLA Law grew into its current position as one of the nation's premier law schools during Warren's tenure as its fourth dean, from 1975 to 1982.

Duckworth discusses investments in workforce development at Southwestern Illinois College

U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth today met with the President of Southwestern Illinois College , Dr. Georgia Costello, and other college leaders and students while touring SWIC's Sam Wolf Granite City Campus. Together, they discussed SWIC's workforce development programs and legislation Senator Duckworth helped introduce, the Community College to Career Fund Act , which would encourage companies and community colleges to develop workforce training programs to close the "skills gap" by better preparing students for careers in high-demand industries like manufacturing, healthcare, clean energy and information technology.