Pumped-up Trump teases ‘unthinkable’ GDP numbers in freewheeling…

The president said Friday's GDP numbers will be 'terrific' as economists agree the numbers could be as high as 4.2 But, they caution, it's likely a one-time thing caused by countries massively importing U.S. goods to beat Trump's tariff hikes He touted his deal-making power at NATO: 'These are kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, and a dictator or two' And he falsely bragged the media cover him much more than they covered President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush President Donald Trump is predicting Friday's GDP numbers will be 'terrific' in a freewheeling, campaign style speech that saw him brag about winning the women's vote, tout his deal-making power with NATO, and criticize one of his favorite enemies - the press.

Duckworth discusses investments in workforce development at Southwestern Illinois College

U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth today met with the President of Southwestern Illinois College , Dr. Georgia Costello, and other college leaders and students while touring SWIC's Sam Wolf Granite City Campus. Together, they discussed SWIC's workforce development programs and legislation Senator Duckworth helped introduce, the Community College to Career Fund Act , which would encourage companies and community colleges to develop workforce training programs to close the "skills gap" by better preparing students for careers in high-demand industries like manufacturing, healthcare, clean energy and information technology.