Planned Parenthood has no plans to re-open clinics in Lufkin, Bryan, Huntsville

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's 5-3 decision to strike down a Texas law that imposed strict regulations on abortion clinics, the president of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast said Monday that the organization will not be re-opening its health centers in Bryan, Lufkin and Huntsville. "This landmark ruling is an enormous victory for women.

Post-Bruner Upset, Keven Ellis is Cautiously Optimistic

When a reporter called him Tuesday night for comment on his unexpected Republican runoff victory over State Board of Education hopeful Mary Lou Bruner, the 45-year-old Lufkin school board president asked whether it was true. "I didn't want to be the one to call it," said the chiropractor and father of three, who declined to criticize Bruner, an East Texas Tea Party activist and retired schoolteacher who drew national attention for bizarre and bigoted social media posts.