‘We will be the last mass shooting’: Florida students want to be tipping point in gun debate

The student survivors of Wednesday's massacre - many not even old enough to vote - have been saturating the airwaves and social media with a resounding message: Something is broken in a country that can't stem bloodshed wrought by guns. "We are children; you guys are the adults," senior David Hogg implored lawmakers on CNN 24 hours after a gunman killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.

Indiana school faces backlash over Trump a resistancea class

A private college in Vice President Mike Pence's home state of Indiana is facing backlash after offering a "Trumpism & U.S. Democracy" course that described the president in class materials as a purveyor of "sexism, white supremacy, xenophobia, nationalism, nativism and imperialism." Now officials at Butler University in Indianapolis are doing damage control after conservative news outlets picked up on the description of the fall class, which also indicated students would discuss and "potentially engage" in "strategies for resistance" to President Donald Trump.

Indiana school faces backlash over Trump ‘resistance’ class

A private college in Vice President Mike Pence's home state of Indiana is facing backlash after offering a "Trumpism & U.S. Democracy" course that described the president in class materials as a purveyor of "sexism, white supremacy, xenophobia, nationalism, nativism and imperialism." Now officials at Butler University in Indianapolis are doing damage control after conservative news outlets picked up on the description of the fall class, which also indicated students would discuss and "potentially engage" in "strategies for resistance" to President Donald Trump.