Felix & Paul Studios and Universal Pictures Launch Jurassic World: Blue for Oculus Go

Facebook F8 Developer Conference - Felix & Paul Studios, the EMMY Award-winning creator of cinematic virtual reality experiences, and Universal Pictures today launched Jurassic World: Blue-in conjunction with the launch of the new Oculus Go standalone VR headset. The two-part cinematic virtual reality experience was created by Felix & Paul Studios, Universal Pictures and Facebook's Oculus-with visual effects and animation by Industrial Light & Magic and sound by Headspace Studio.

74-Year-Old Rancher Sues Feds For Placing Spy Cam On Property

A 74-year-old rancher from Encinal, Texas, is suing the federal government after he found a surveillance camera on his property, and subsequently refused to give it back to authorities. Ricardo Palacios, who is also an attorney, is specifically filing suit against the Customs and Border Protection and the Texas Ranger Division, including two agents of the respective agencies.

It’s been a dreadful week for Donald Trump, and anyone defending him

It went from bad to worse to catastrophic for the leader of the free world. Seriously, how did this happen? The United States ended the first week of 2018 by talking about the mental fitness of its president, thanks to a bombshell book that, among other things, called into account his mental faculties and awareness.

If Aliens landed, would we care?

According to a survey put out by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, half of Americans believe in aliens, but only 20 percent of them believe in alien abduction stories. Filmmaker and crypto-zoologist Bill Brock at "America's Stonehenge" in New Hampshire, a 4,000 year old rock formation of unknown origin that looks like an astrological map when viewed from the air.

Reports from Cuba: Claudio Fuentes: ‘I don’t want to be an opponent one more day’

According to Claudio Fuentes, photographer and human rights activist, he's started doing something like ten interviews and they haven't published any of them. Maybe it has to do with that mania he has to be always behind the camera, pointing the lens at the Ladies in White, other activists and even his own friends.

Trump, Xi to face reporters but not planning to take questions

But the two leaders -- the first, a vocal critic of the press and the other an enforcer of strict media censorship -- are not expected to take questions from reporters as they face cameras in a side by side appearance in the Great Hall of the People. Trump engaged in joint news conferences with the leaders of Japan and South Korea in his first two stops in Asia, but in China -- one of the most repressive media environments in the world -- Trump and Xi are slated to simply deliver statements.

Judicial Watch: Court Will Review Clinton Emails over Objections of…

Judicial Watch announced today that a federal judge will personally review, in camera , redacted material from emails discussing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of iPads and iPhones during her tenure at the State Department. Judge Kollar-Kotelly also ordered the State Department to file an affidavit addressing why it should not have to search new Clinton emails recovered.

The US Navy turns to Xbox controllers for its most advanced submarines

THE US NAVY is putting Xbox controllers and digital cameras in its submarines so that it can do away with boring things like periscopes. The Military.com website reports on the change of design at the Navy , and says that it is using the living room and leisure technology in its most advanced submarines, the suitably-named Virginia Class Attack Submarine.

PS Engineering Audio Panel Prices ‘Cleared For Lower’

Just in time for summer flying season, PS Engineering has lowered the prices on popular Plug and Play audio panels, while standardizing some options. Just to be sure you don't miss this opportunity, they are offering a Free Flight Trial offer, and an incentive to your avionics shop to make the switch.

Mexico is gearing up for a wave of deportations from the US

Rayos had lived in the US for 21 years, after crossing the border when she was 14. Her lawyer said the removal was a " direct result " of Trump's crackdown on illegal immigration. Her family and others tried to block the deportation, with one man going so far as to wrap himself around the front wheel of the van transporting her out of an ICE facility.


President Donald Trump's blunt declaration during his stark inaugural address now becomes a yardstick to judge his administration's ability to fundamentally reshape America's politics and global posture. The first weekday of the new White House opens a new chapter in the story of Trump the politician.

Donald Trump’s pick to head State Department recommended by lobbyist to Exxon, Russia

Late Monday, President-elect Donald Trump's transition team quietly announced that it was postponing his first post-election conference, meant to address potential conflicts of interests for the incoming commander-in-chief. Then early Tuesday, Trump announced his selection of Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State and lined up former Republican government officials with ties to ExxonMobil and Russia's state-run gas company to vouch for the career oil man with no experience in government.

Glitterati announces the publication of Personal Vision by Adger Cowans

Master American photographer Adger Cowan's predominantly black-and-white photography is collected in this monograph of original images taken over the past forty years. Cowans is one of the great unrecognized photographic luminaries of our time, inspired by growing up in a family that appreciated and respected the arts.

Trump to supporters harassing minorities: ‘Stop it’

Donald Trump on Sunday told his supporters to stop harassing minorities, in his first televised sit-down interview since becoming President-elect. "I am so saddened to hear that," Trump told CBS' Lesley Stahl on "60 Minutes" when she said Latinos and Muslims are facing harassment.