Russian teenager jailed over ‘Minecraft plot to blow up virtual spy HQ’

Boy of 16 sentenced to five years for alleged plan to target FSB building created in computer game

A Russian teenager has been sentenced to five years in prison for allegedly planning to blow up a virtual FSB security service building in the video game Minecraft.

The ruling falls into a broader pattern under President Vladimir Putin in which young Russians are put behind bars on controversial and preemptive terrorism charges.

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President Trump Calls James Comey ‘Cowardly’ in Early Morning Tweet

"No I didn't say that", Mr Trump stated abruptly, taking questions at a joint press conference with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis in the Rose Garden. The recordings came for reference at Comey's testimony and his remarks about them, in response to a question, went viral on social media: "Lordy, I hope there are tapes".