Dreamers Fight for Clean DACA Act

With today being the deadline for the US Congress to come up with a DACA deal, Dreamers are urging Connecticut lawmakers to stand up for young undocumented immigrants. Nearly 800,000 people who were brought to the US as infants and children could be impacted and now the concern is that Dreamers are on borrowed time as Congress, so far, has failed to make a decision.

Professor: GOP shooter was a driven by Trump and trumpisma

An associate professor at Central Connecticut State University claims the leftist gunman who opened fire this week on Republican members of Congress was "driven by Trump and trumpism." In a blog post highlighted by Campus Reform, associate professor Jerold Duquette argued Thursday that President Trump and "trumpism," or rhetoric employed or inspired by the president, can drive "intellectually feeble" and "mentally unstable" people to commit political violence.