When Trump’s losing he’s whingeing … and guess what? He’s doing a lot of whingeing

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a town hall-style forum, Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016, in Sandown, N.H. In this unpredictable election year, the simplest way to assess the state of the race is to check how often Donald Trump complains that the fix is in. Polls can be unreliable and contradictory, most radio and cable news broadcasts are nakedly partisan, but Trump's fragile ego can be trusted: if he's whingeing, he's losing.

Gary Johnson’s Millennial Appeal: Harming Trump More Than Hillary?

The James Carville/Stanley Greenberg operation "Democracy Corps" has analyzed the millennial vote for 2016 , an area in which Libertarian Gary Johnson has great appeal, and concluded he's pulling more from would-be Trump votes among the millennials than harming Hillary. The details, starting with the declaration that victory for the Democrats relies on at least one relevant if : " if progressives are smart in dealing with the third party vote."

Where Do The 2016 Presidential Candidates Stand On The Issues?

Do you know who you're voting for in the 2016 presidential election ? Thanks to information from VoteSmart.org , we've compiled what all four candidates think about 13 different issues. Below, find the stances of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on key issues.

No, Not Gary Johnson

NEWS BRIEF Kim Kardashian West left Paris Monday hours after she was robbed at gunpoint by a group of men who took millions of dollars worth of jewelry, police officials told The Associated Press. The reality-TV star was visiting Paris for its biannual fashion week and was staying in a private residence in the French capital's eighth arrondissement when at 2:30 a.m. local time a group of five armed men reportedly forced the building's concierge to open her private apartment.

Clinton remains in the lead over Trump after post-debate surge

Hillary Clinton continued her post-debate surge and added to her national lead against Donald Trump over the weekend, pollsters said Monday. Clinton registered at 42 percent, topping Trump at 36 percent, Libertarian Gary Johnson at 9 percent and Green Party choice Jill Stein at 3 percent, likely voters told pollsters for Politico/Morning Consult on Friday , Saturday and Sunday.

Clinton leads Trump by 5 points in latest poll

Democrat Hillary Clinton has a 5 percentage point lead over Republican Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential race, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll, roughly the same advantage she has held throughout September. The survey result showed little movement following Monday night's presidential debate, the first of three debates before the Nov. 8 election.

Third-party backers may still change their minds in 2016 election, poll shows

Most people who are drawn to third party candidates in the presidential election aren't sold on their choice, making these voters wild cards in an already unpredictable contest. A shift in their support toward either of the major party nominees - away from Libertarian Gary Johnson, Jill Stein of the Green Party or another third party candidate - could drastically change the shape of the race.

Chicago Tribune Endorses Gary Johnsonfor President as – Principled Option’

The Chicago Tribune has endorsed Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson for president saying he was a "principled choice" for the nation's top job. Joining the list of newspapers making unusual choices for endorsements for the 2016 election, Chicago's somewhat conservative paper decided not to endorse the GOP nominee for president and instead picked the Libertarian Party candidate, Gary Johnson.

Fox News poll confirms: Hillary Clinton won the debate in a…

A Fox News poll released Friday confirmed what other scientific surveys have found in the aftermath of the first presidential debate: Hillary Clinton prevailed over Donald Trump in the affair, and she has seen a slight overall national bump because of it. The poll, which was conducted entirely after the debate, found that 61% of voters who watched the debate viewed Clinton as the winner.