Brett Kavanaugh could have big impact early on Supreme Court

Newly minted Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh will hear oral arguments at the high court for the first time Tuesday in cases dealing with criminal matters where his vote is expected to have a big impact. He has taken the seat of retired Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who was viewed as the court 's swing vote between the other four Republican-appointed justices and the four more liberal members of the court .

Twitter accounts in spreading of ‘fake news’ still active

Despite the efforts of government watchdogs, news organizations and social media sites, the vast majority of Twitter accounts suspected of spreading disinformation and "fake news" in the 2016 presidential election are still operative with just weeks to go before midterm voting. That's the bottom-line conclusion of researchers from the Knight Foundation, George Washington University and social media research firm Graphika in an analysis that looked at over 10 million messages from 700,000 Twitter accounts linked to more than 600 disinformation and conspiracy news outlets.

DeVos’ dramatic confirmation hearing inspires drama on stage

Guns in schools to protect students from grizzly bears? Betsy DeVos endured yet another rocky Senate confirmation hearing to become education secretary - this time on a theater stage. During the performance at Arena Stage, about a dozen student actors from local high schools played frustrated Democrats and friendly Republicans grilling DeVos about the public education, the role of the federal government in civil rights, and her family wealth.

DeVos play not meant as ‘cartoon or lampoon,’ producer says

Guns in schools to protect students from grizzly bears? Betsy DeVos endured yet another rocky confirmation hearing in the Senate to become education secretary - this time on a theater stage. In a play performed Monday at Washington's Arena Stage theater, about a dozen student actors from local high schools posed as frustrated Democrats and friendly Republicans to grill DeVos on the merits of public education, the role of the federal government in civil rights, and her family wealth.

DeVos’ rocky Senate confirmation hearing turned into theater

Guns in schools to protect students from grizzly bears? Betsy DeVos endured yet another rocky confirmation hearing in the Senate to become education secretary - this time on a theater stage. In a play performed Monday at Washington's Arena Stage theater, about a dozen student actors from local high schools posed as frustrated Democrats and friendly Republicans to grill DeVos on the merits of public education, the role of the federal government in civil rights, and her family wealth.

Pres. Trump rejects official Puerto Rico hurricane death toll

The Latest on President Donald Trump's claim that 3,000 people did not die because of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico last year : Rep. Gerald Connolly of Virginia says that if Democrats win back the House they will investigate the "failures of FEMA and the response of the administration" after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Connolly is a senior member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Federal food aid to Puerto Rico high in salt, sugar

An analysis of federal food aid delivered in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria reveals that much of the food exceeded federal dietary guideline limits for sugar and sodium. Credit: Uriyoan Colon-Ramos After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in September of 2017, the Federal Emergency Management Agency began distributing emergency food.

Puerto Rico braces for hurricane season, 8 months after Maria

Eight months after being struck by Hurricane Maria, the island of Puerto Rico is bracing as another hurricane season while still cleaning up and restoring power. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Thursday that this year's Atlantic hurricane season will see five to nine hurricanes with one to four major ones.

As Mueller’s Russia Probe Forges Ahead, Potential Legal Endgames Begin to Take Shape

Protesters outside the federal courthouse where Michael Flynn pleaded guilty early this month speculate what is coming next in the special counsel probe. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images hide caption Protesters outside the federal courthouse where Michael Flynn pleaded guilty early this month speculate what is coming next in the special counsel probe.

Santorum Posters Yanked at George Washington University

A conservative student group at George Washington University believes liberal students are responsible for tearing down hundreds of posters promoting an upcoming visit by former Sen. Rick Santorum, the Washington Examiner reported. "Locked and Loaded with Rick Santorum," scheduled for Nov. 29, will feature the two-time GOP presidential candidate addressing "the importance of the Second Amendment and debunking liberal gun myths," according to Young Americans for Freedom group, which is hosting the event.

Activist Speaks On How She Survived ‘Highly Demonic’ Female Genital Mutilation

A human rights activist relayed the "demonic" experience of female genital mutilation she underwent to small crowd Thursday night at George Washington University. Anti-FGM activist F.A. Cole spoke about her personal experience at "Understanding FGM/C in the U.S," a six-person panel discussing the trauma associated with FGM, how to prevent it, and how to help women heal from their physical and emotional wounds.

CIA Director says more agents being sent into field

CIA Director Mike Pompeo on Wednesday outlined his vision for more aggressive intelligence work around the world, saying he's sending more spies to the field and moving decision-making down the chain of command to better protect national security. Pompeo said he's trying to cut red tape and create a culture at the agency that says: "If you are in a process and you're not adding value, get out of the way."