Can YOU spot the laughing pea? Foodie image crammed with green…

'Believe me!' Trump vows to fix America's crime, immigration, trade, manufacturing industry and place in the world in epic acceptance speech 'My father will fight to win working mothers equal pay': Radiant Ivanka plays the women's card as she reveals a rare nugget of actual policy Estate of George Harrison slams the GOP after Ivanka Trump comes on stage at convention to the tune of Here Comes the Sun 'Who cares what bathrooms people use?' Billionaire entrepreneur Peter Thiel gets a standing ovation as he tells the RNC he's proud to be gay AND a Republican while endorsing Donald Trump I'm with long as you're not black, gay, Muslim, Latino or a woman: Hillary and Bernie team up to troll Trump on Twitter during Republican's convention speech Trump is praised for becoming first GOP nominee to mention LGBT community and promising to protect them in his convention speech Like father, ... (more)

Mark Shields: Vice President Nomination Often a Steppingstone to Oblivion

The first very first "presidential" test in public for every nominee for the White House is the selection of a vice presidential running mate. Right after the 1968 Miami Beach convention where he had won the Republican nomination, Richard M. Nixon explained why he chose his running mate: "There is a mysticism about men.

Why do We Let Politicians Deceive Us?

Here in the United Kingdom we have just had a referendum which has led to an outcry about the honesty of our politicians with accusations from those on both sides of the debate that the other side told lies to influence the voters. Whatever one thinks about the results of the referendum, the fact that we are now talking about the honesty of our politicians strikes me as a good thing.

Movie review: a Weinera documentary frighteningly honest

House Speaker Dennis Hastert molested high school students, Senate Whip Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge and left a woman to die, Sen. John Edwards funneled campaign funds to provide for his baby mama and self-righteous Sen. Larry Craig sought male companionship in public restrooms.