Donald Trump – Donald Trump wrong on FBI limits in Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings

As the Senate Judiciary Committee moves to assess the allegations of sexual assault during Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's high school years, President Donald Trump dismissed a role for the FBI. When a reporter asked if he would ask the FBI to investigate the allegations, Trump said that "it would seem that the FBI really doesn't do that."

Sebastian Gorka likes to be called ‘Dr. Gorka.’ He gets his way only in conservative media.

Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events Sebastian Gorka, a deputy assistant to President Trump, really, really likes to be called "Dr. Gorka" - a hang-up for which he was mocked last week by comedian Samantha Bee. On Twitter , Gorka goes by "Sebastian Gorka DrG."