JFK home renovation castoffs are transformed into art

Floorboards, window panes, shingles, electrical fixtures, faded wallpaper, rusted nails and even a metal hook that once held a porch swing are among the ordinary items salvaged during an overhaul of JFK's Cape Cod home and transformed by local artists into mixed media artwork inspired by the assassinated former president who was born 100 years ago this month. When not in Washington, JFK, Jacqueline Kennedy and their two young children resided in the nine bedroom clapboard home with stunning ocean views from 1958 until his death in 1963.

The GE-Alstom Block Island Wind Farm off Block Island, Rhode Island,…

The GE-Alstom Block Island Wind Farm off Block Island, Rhode Island, is the kind of energy production Connecticut could pursue. The GE-Alstom Block Island Wind Farm off Block Island, Rhode Island, is the kind of energy production Connecticut could pursue.

Movie review: a Weinera documentary frighteningly honest

House Speaker Dennis Hastert molested high school students, Senate Whip Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge and left a woman to die, Sen. John Edwards funneled campaign funds to provide for his baby mama and self-righteous Sen. Larry Craig sought male companionship in public restrooms.