11 people standing on jetty at Dana Point Harbor handed over to Border Patrol

Sgt. Paul Ketcham looks at Moro Beach where two panga boat were recently found near Crystal Cove State Beach while giving a tour to a reporter on Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Two Harbor Patrol deputies on patrol in Dana Point Harbor last weekend noticed something odd: 11 people, some in life vests, standing on the west jetty with no boat in sight.

Just 20 votes separate the two Dems who want to face Rohrabacher in Nov.

Ongoing tabulation of the June 5 primary vote in Orange County shows Undersheriff Don Barnes still holding a majority, with 50.6 percent of the vote. There are more than 160,000 ballots left to be counted, and if Barnes' total dips below 50 percent he'll face a runoff with Los Angeles County DA Investigator Duke Nguyen.

The GOP can dominate in Orange County and beyond – by making Asians ‘white’

If you think the nation has been inordinately obsessed with Orange County's House races, you ain't seen nothing yet. Democratic candidates managed to place second in races for the 39th, 45th, 48th and 49th congressional districts - districts the national Democratic Party has declared essential to winning control of the House in the midterms.

Who will turn out a ” and how many a ” for Californiaa s June 5 primary?

Polling Inspector Norma Rosemond sets up voting booths at the polling place at Stonehurst Recreation Center in Sunland in this file photo taken May 16, 2017. The makeup of the primary electorate could sway two big questions that will pay off in the November General Election: Will the GOP field a candidate for governor? Will Democrats be shut out of Orange County congressional races and, by doing that, blow their shot at taking control of the House? California's primary voting system advances the top two vote-getters, regardless of party, to the general election.

22 states ban housing discrimination against gays, rights groups say

Orange County Congressman Dana Rohrabacher ignited a firestorm when he said this month Congress shouldn't extend fair housing protections to gays and lesbians. Currently, it's illegal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation in Rohrabacher's home state as well as in such states as Colorado, Iowa, New Mexico and Utah, the sites say.

California’s Orange County could determine Congress control

Chased out of much of California by Democrats who hold every statewide office and a 39-14 advantage in U.S. House seats, the party is trying to hold its ground in a place whose nickname, the Orange Curtain, recalls its famous Republican bona fides and where white, suburban homeowners once delivered winning margins for its candidates year after year. But that's changed.

Opposition to Immigrant Sanctuary Spreading in California

More local governments in California are resisting the state's efforts to resist the Trump administration's immigration crackdown, and political experts see politics at play as Republicans try to fire up voters in a state where the GOP has grown weak. Since the Jeff Sessions-led Department of Justice sued California last month over its so-called "sanctuary state" law limiting police collaboration with immigration agents, at least a dozen local governments have voted to either join or support the lawsuit or for resolutions opposing the state's position.

Ed Royce, longtime Orange County congressman, plans to retire

Longtime Orange County congressman Ed Royce, chairman of the high-profile Foreign Affairs Committee, announced Monday that he will retire when his current term is completed at the end of the year. The conservative Republican, 66, has repeatedly won reelection by broad margins but has seen the GOP advantage in his district slip to less than 2-percentages.

Should California Deputies at the Vegas Shooting Get Worker’s Comp?

The Orange County deputy sheriffs' union president, in a recent interview with the Orange County Register , made a shockingly cynical statement about the men and women he represents. His words probably were meant as a rhetorical device to muscle county taxpayers into paying some controversial workers' compensation claims, but I was nonetheless floored by what Tom Dominguez was quoted saying.

New flight paths lead to airplane noise complaints across US

Airliners began flying over Twila Lake's bungalow-style house in a historic district three years ago, taking off every one to two minutes from the Phoenix airport and roaring over her neighborhood. It was a sudden change after rarely hearing jets in her previous 13 years in the downtown neighborhood.

Rohrabacher draws new opponent in Orange County

Nestle Executive Michael Kotick is entering the race to unseat Rep. Dana Rohrabacher in Orange County's 48th Congressional District. He has a bachelor's in economics and an MBA from Michigan State University and earned a masters in global management at Arizona State University's Thunderbird School of Global Management.

California Republicans don’t want to be caught again without a…

The GOP may be in dire straits in California, but a flurry of recent moves suggests the party of Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon is not willing to abandon the 2018 gubernatorial race, as it did four years ago. The big question is if the party will be able to marshal enough support behind a Republican candidate for governor and avoid a repeat of last fall's Senate campaign, which, thanks to the top-two primary, was fought between two Democratic candidates.