Amid anti-immigrant sentiment, some Spanish speakers wary

Mucarsel, 62, of Southern California finds herself reverting to English when she attends a baseball game or goes to... . This undated photo shows Phoenix resident Diana Olivera, a pediatric nurse at a hospital emergency room, who has spoken Spanish in public places all of her life.

When do we finally say ‘no’ to tolerating the damage and chaos of homelessness?

The few remaining homeless people living on the Santa Ana River Trail in are packing up Anaheim on Monday, Feb 26, 2018. One way to do it is to hold elections to choose public officials who will make decisions on behalf of the people who elected them, then hold a fully public process to create budgets and appropriate the money that taxpayers are required to hand over.

Disneyland puts transportation hub on hold, reveals plan to build parking structure within resort

Disney has put on hold plans to build a transportation hub on the eastern edge of the resort. The Disneyland Resort has shelved plans for a new transportation hub on the eastern edge of the Anaheim property and will build a 6,500-space parking structure near its shopping district.

Steve Bannon says California will try to secede from union

Steve Bannon, the controversial former strategist for President Donald Trump, told California Republicans on Friday that if they don't join together to take back the state, they'll see a breakaway effort to create a sovereign nation. "You are a sanctuary state," he told a sold-out dinner crowd of about 500 gather at the Marriott Anaheim for the state GOP's semi-annual convention.

5 things you need to know Wednesday

Check out this story on President Trump will visit central Pennsylvania on Wednesday to make his case for an overhaul of the nation's tax code. Republicans have outlined an ambitious plan to collapse brackets, change rates, eliminate deductions and revamp how big and small businesses are taxed.

Attacks between Lou Correa and Bao Nguyen grow in the race to replace Loretta Sanchez

Fighting to narrow Lou Correa's big lead in money and primary voters, congressional candidate Bao Nguyen is aggressively going after his fellow Democrat and Correa is striking back. At stake is the seat of outgoing Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Orange, in the blue-collar, heavily immigrant district that includes Anaheim and Santa Ana, and parts of Garden Grove and Orange.