Vietnamese American leaders demand an apology for Sen. Janet Nguyen’s …

More than 100 Vietnamese American community members gathered in Orange County Saturday, rallying around state Sen. Janet Nguyen , who was removed from the Senate floor Feb. 23 after attempting to speak out against the late Sen. Tom Hayden, an anti-Vietnam War activist. They demanded Senate Democrats apologize to the community and to Nguyen for the incident, which will be investigated by a three-person panel designated by Senate President pro Tem Kevin de Leon last week.

Attacks between Lou Correa and Bao Nguyen grow in the race to replace Loretta Sanchez

Fighting to narrow Lou Correa's big lead in money and primary voters, congressional candidate Bao Nguyen is aggressively going after his fellow Democrat and Correa is striking back. At stake is the seat of outgoing Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Orange, in the blue-collar, heavily immigrant district that includes Anaheim and Santa Ana, and parts of Garden Grove and Orange.