New poll shows Clinton over Trump by double-digits

Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump and has reached 50% support nationally among likely voters, a new ABC News tracking poll shows. The poll shows Clinton with 50% support to Trump's 38%, with 5% backing Libertarian Gary Johnson and 2% supporting the Green Party's Jill Stein.

Q Poll: Clinton Tops Trump By 7 Points Nationally, But Media Shows Bias

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's lead among men and white voters has all but vanished, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released Wednesday. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has taken a 47 percent to 40 percent likely voter lead, with 7 percent for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson and 1 percent for Green Party candidate Jill Stein, according to the national poll.

Clinton up by 5 in Arizona

A new poll shows Democrat Hillary Clinton with a lead in the traditional Republican stronghold of Arizona, yet another sign of Donald Trump's shrinking path to the nomination. The survey, released jointly by the Arizona Republic, Arizona State University's Morrison Institute for Public Policy and Cronkite News , showed Clinton with the support of 43% of the state's likely voters, compared with 38% who said they intend to back Trump.

Murkowski: Presidential race causing down-ballot uncertainty

In this photo taken Monday, Oct. 17, 2016, Republican U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski listens during a meet-and-greet at her campaign headquarters in Juneau, Alaska. Murkowski says the presidential race has created a level of uncertainty for down-ticket races, including her own.

New poll shows McMullin ahead of Clinton in Utah, trailing Trump by 1 point

A new Rasmussen poll released Monday found that Evan McMullin's popularity in the Beehive State is rivaling that of the two major party candidates. The poll showed that McMullin trails Republican nominee Donald Trump by one point, 30 to 29 percent , and is ahead of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who had 28 percent.

John Oliver describes this election as choosing the lesser of 4 evils

In less than 20 minutes, Oliver criticized the presidential campaigns of Green-Rainbow Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein of Lexington and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, claiming both remain popular with voters largely because they haven't been scrutinized like major party candidates Trump and Clinton. "There is no perfect candidate in this race, and when people say you don't have to choose the lesser of two evils, they are right, because you have to choose the lesser of four," said Oliver.

New poll has Donald Trump just Four Points behind Hillary – while…

An ABC News/Washington Post poll has Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by four points, the same percentage as the survey's margin of error But an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows Clinton ahead of Trump by 11 points in a four-way race Two new national polls that dropped today tell different tales, with Donald Trump nipping at Hillary Clinton's heels in one - and her running away with the race in another. The new ABC News/Washington Post poll has Clinton just 4 points ahead of Trump, in both a two and four-person race, with the poll's margin of error also being 4 points.

Libertarian Party sees surge of new voters in Nebraska

Although it's still dwarfed by the Republican and Democratic parties, the Libertarian Party has seen a 28 percent increase in voter registrations since the May primary. The number of registered Libertarians is on pace to top 10,000 before the Nov. 8 election, and a state senator who recently joined the party is using her experience as a former GOP political activist to teach its members how to campaign.

Gary Johnson SuperPAC Tries to Sell “the Alternative that You can be Proud to Vote For”

As Trump and Clinton hit each others suitability as candidates and human beings, AlternativePAC hopes that the ideas of true liberty and true community can appeal. AlternativePAC is the Gary Johnson-supporting SuperPAC behind the virally successful "dead Abe Lincoln" video that promotes their "Balanced Rebellion" campaign.

Big GOP Donors Want the RNC to Dump Trump

In the wake of the 2005 hot mic tape , and now allegations against Donald Trump of groping and inappropriate sexual advances, some big Republican donors are calling on the RNC to break ties with the Republican nominee. "At some point, you have to look in the mirror and recognize that you cannot possibly justify support for Trump to your children - especially your daughters," said David Humphreys, a Missouri businessman who's donated more than $2.5 million to Republicans since the 2012 election.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at the 2nd presidential debate at…

A new national poll from Fox News finds Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by 7 percentage points among likely voters. The poll was taken following the second national debate Sunday and the surfacing of a leaked 2005 tape showing Trump making a series of offensive sexual remarks about women.

Sorry guys, you cana t write in Ken Bone for president. Here are some other options

In one of the most divisive elections in history, there's one thing most of us can agree on: Ken Bone is the man. The undecided voter posed an actual, policy-related question on energy at the second presidential debate Sunday night, and the internet has loved him ever since.

When Trump’s losing he’s whingeing … and guess what? He’s doing a lot of whingeing

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a town hall-style forum, Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016, in Sandown, N.H. In this unpredictable election year, the simplest way to assess the state of the race is to check how often Donald Trump complains that the fix is in. Polls can be unreliable and contradictory, most radio and cable news broadcasts are nakedly partisan, but Trump's fragile ego can be trusted: if he's whingeing, he's losing.

Gary Johnson’s Millennial Appeal: Harming Trump More Than Hillary?

The James Carville/Stanley Greenberg operation "Democracy Corps" has analyzed the millennial vote for 2016 , an area in which Libertarian Gary Johnson has great appeal, and concluded he's pulling more from would-be Trump votes among the millennials than harming Hillary. The details, starting with the declaration that victory for the Democrats relies on at least one relevant if : " if progressives are smart in dealing with the third party vote."

Where Do The 2016 Presidential Candidates Stand On The Issues?

Do you know who you're voting for in the 2016 presidential election ? Thanks to information from , we've compiled what all four candidates think about 13 different issues. Below, find the stances of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on key issues.