Modernise WTO instead of waging solo trade war, ex-officials urge Trump

The escalating trade war and new US tariffs on Chinese goods could end up being the catalyst needed for the WTO to modernise Former senior US trade officials are urging the Trump administration to work with allies to modernise the World Trade Organisation and use the body to resolve its grievances with China, rather than continue its barrage of tariffs that flout WTO rules. The US-China trade war has seen the WTO largely relegated to the sidelines, with critics contending that a number of its mechanisms are outdated and thus inadequate for dealing with practices involving digital trade and state-led economies - issues core to US claims about China.

Trump slaps tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods, spares some consumer tech

U.S. President Donald Trump escalated his trade war with China on Monday, imposing 10 percent tariffs on about $200 billion worth of Chinese imports, but sparing smart watches from Apple ( Trump, in a statement announcing the new round of tariffs, warned that if China takes retaliatory action against U.S. farmers or industries, "we will immediately pursue phase three, which is tariffs on approximately $267 billion of additional imports." The iPhone was not among the 'wide range' of products that Apple told regulators would be hit by the $200 billion round of tariffs in a Sept.

To Prevent ‘Major Extinction Crisis,’ Scientist Call for Designating…

A pair of leading scientists is calling on the global community to spend the next few decades working toward formal protections for at least half of the world's oceans and lands, warning that as the human population nears its projected 10 billion by mid-century, several species will face a heightened threat of extinction. "If we truly want to protect biodiversity and secure critical ecosystem benefits, the world's governments must set a much more ambitious protected area agenda and ensure it is resourced."

Theresa May pins hopes on new Brexit plan as businesses fret

Arizona's largest utility is fiercely opposing a push to mandate increased use of renewabl... A push to mandate increased use of renewable energy in sun-drenched Arizona has been met with fierce opposition from the state's largest utility. A push to mandate increased use of renewable energy in sun-drenched Arizona has been met with fierce opposition from the state's largest utility.

Trump is blaming Democrats for separating migrant families at the…

Ivanka Trump Wins China Trademarks, Then Her Father Vows to Save ZTE - BEIJING - China this month awarded Ivanka Trump seven new trademarks across a broad collection of businesses, including books, housewares and cushions. - At around the same time, President Trump vowed to find China approves 13 new Ivanka Trump trademarks in 3 months - SHANGHAI - Ivanka Trump's brand continues to win foreign trademarks in China and the Philippines, adding to questions about conflicts of interest at the White House, The Associated Press has found.

House OKs compromise $1.3 trillion budget bill, Senate next

Farmers, electronics retailers and other U.S. businesses are bracing for a backlash as President Donald Trump prep... The administration is expected Thursday to slap trade sanctions on China, perhaps including restrictions on Chinese investment and tariffs on as much as $60 billion worth of Chinese products. The administration is expected Thursday to slap trade sanctions on China, perhaps including restrictions on Chinese investment and tariffs on as much as $60 billion worth of Chinese products.

US Secret Service denies China nuclear football ‘skirmish’

File photo of US President Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping make joint statements at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, November 9, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Washington, The US Secret Service denied Monday reports that one of its agents and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly wrestled with Chinese security officials over the "nuclear football" during President Donald Trump's visit to Beijing in November.

In the Age of Big Climate Change we have to stop Farting Carbon

This past year is what the era of Big Climate Change looks like. We are only at the beginning of the massive changes we are making to our environment by farting 41 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere every year, but we can already see the shape of the future and it is alarming.

Lawmakers seek more information from Trump son-in-law Kushner in Russia probe

Jared Kushner's lawyer failed to give the Senate Judiciary Committee a document President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser received about a "Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite," the committee's leaders said on Thursday. White House Senior adviser Jared Kushner attends bilateral meetings held by U.S. President Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, November 9, 2017.

Trump’s low approval rating masks his support among likely voters: Reuters/Ipsos poll

President Donald Trump is more popular with likely voters than he is with the general public, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that underscores why Republican lawmakers have largely stuck with the polarizing president despite his plunging approval ratings. U.S. President Donald Trump and U.S. first lady Melania Trump look at the relics as they tour the Conservation Scientific Laboratory of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China November 8, 2017.

Germany: Trump’s Iran plans driving EU toward Russia and China

German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel delivers his speech during the opening of the Deutschland 8: Deutsche Kunst in China exhibition at the Imperial Ancestral Temple Art Museum in Beijing, China, 17 September 2017. [How Hwee Young/EPA/EFE] US President Donald Trump's expected move to "de-certify" the international nuclear deal with Iran is driving a wedge between Europe and the United States and bringing Europeans closer to Russia and China, Germany said on Thursday .

Jared Kushner’s Sister Urges Chinese Investors To Fund Family Project

Nicole Meyer, the sister of Jared Kushner, who wields considerable position of influence on President Donald Trump, was in Beijing, China Saturday to raise funds from investors for a $976.4 million Kushner Companies' residential and commercial project underway in New Jersey. To lure investors at the event, as reports said, she mentioned Jared Kushner's service as chief executive of Kushner Companies, the family business from which he resigned January, saying he had left to serve in the Trump administration.

Exclusive – Japan seeks to win Thai air defense radar contract: sources

FILE PHOTO: A F-16 fighter jet from the Thai Royal Air Force performs during a media demonstration at the Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Nakhon Ratchasima province, Thailand, November 24, 2015. Japan is seeking to win a contract to supply Thailand with an air defense radar system built by Mitsubishi Electric Corp, as it looks to counter growing Chinese influence in the Southeast Asian nation, according to four Japanese government officials and one industry source.

Chinese navy seizes U.S. drone in first serious incident between militaries in years

China did it to to ensure 'safe navigation of passing ships' while the Pentagon says the drone was being used for oceanic research - they have filed a formal complaint and want their drone back. BEIJING-China said Saturday that its military seized a U.S. Navy unmanned underwater glider in the South China Sea to ensure the “safe navigation of passing ships,” in one of the most serious incidents between the two militaries in years.

China says to tackle veterans’ benefits after high-profile protest in capital

Uniformed people take part in a protest outside the Bayi Building, a major Chinese military building in Beijing, China, October 11, 2016. China will keep tackling the difficulties facing demobilized soldiers and pays attention to resolving their problems, the Defence Ministry said on Thursday, after hundreds protested outside a major military building against job losses.

Obama’s Asian pivot leaves closer ties, new challenges

In this Nov. 12, 2014 file photo, U.S. President Barack Obama, right, smiles after a group of children waved flags and flowers to cheer him during a welcome ceremony with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China. As Barack Obama embarks on what is likely to be his final trip to Asia as president, attention is returning to what is known as the U.S. "pivot" to the continent launched during his first term.

China hoping to avoid sensitive topics as G-20 summit host

China's hosting of the Group of 20 industrialized nations summit highlights its role as the world's second-largest economy and a growing force in global diplomacy, but also comes amid sharpening frictions over its territorial claims in the South China Sea, disputes with fellow regional powers South Korea and Japan and criticisms over a sweeping crackdown on dissent at home. China hopes to avoid discussion of such issues while using the summit in the eastern city of Hangzhou to burnish its image as a responsible major nation whose support is essential to solving the world's ills.

Though largely unknown, Trump finds fans in China

In this March 1, 2016 file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign stop at the Signature Flight Hangar at Port-Columbus International Airport in Columbus, Ohio. China features prominently in the rhetoric of presumed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who accuses the country of stealing American jobs and cheating at global trade.

10 Things to Know for Today

In this file photo taken Nov. 11, 2015, Jack Ma, executive chairman of the Alibaba Group, speaks in front of a giant screen showing real-time sales figures of e-commerce giant Alibaba, during a press conference for the "Singles' Day" online shopping festival held at National Aquatic Center, also known as the "Water Cube" in Beijing, China. Alibaba's relationship with an anti-counterfeiting lobby coalition known as the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition is a tale of how one of China's corporate giants won _ and ultimately lost_ a friend in Washington, using legal methods long deployed by corporate America: money and friendship.