At least 240 House lawmakers want a vote on immigration. California…

Rep. Jeff Denham , flanked by Rep. Pete Aguilar and Rep. Will Hurd speak about DACA legislation Rep. Jeff Denham says at least 240 of the 430 current House members have signed onto his resolution to hold votes on four immigration bills, and he hopes House Speaker Paul D. Ryan and President Trump are paying attention to the show of support. But, the Republican from Turlock and his allies said Wednesday that they are not yet willing to commit to forcing Ryan's hand through a little-used procedural move called a discharge petition; they acknowledged there's no guarantee that all of 47 Republicans and 193 Democrats House co-signers will back them up if they try to force the issue.

GOP super PAC showering millions on endangered California…

Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Turlock , beneficiary of a GOP-oriented super PAC's commitment to spend millions of ad dollars in the 2018 election. Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Turlock , beneficiary of a GOP-oriented super PAC's commitment to spend millions of ad dollars in the 2018 election.