Deutz wins trip to Washington, D.C. for ag visit

Marshall farmer Allen Deutz took a pivot in his farming operation when he switched from dairy to beef cattle and went back to college for economics at South Dakota State University in Brookings, S.D. As a student, he earned a trip to Washington, D.C. Feb. 22-23. "I also work at SDSU part-time as a graduate research assistant for Dr. Deepthi Kolady.

Maine Food Sovereignty Bends but Doesn’t Break After USDA Threats

This past June, Maine legislators passed a law, An Act to Recognize Local Control Regarding Food Systems , which allows cities and towns in the state to adopt laws permitting farmers and other food producers within their borders to engage in a host of direct-to-consumer food sales. The law, intended to bolster local food economies in the state, allows Maine municipalities to "regulate by ordinance local food systems," and requires the state, in turn, to "recognize such ordinances."