UPDATE 1-Merck CEO pulls out of Trump panel, demands rejection of bigotry

The departure of Kenneth Frazier from the president's American Manufacturing Council added to a storm of criticism of Trump over his handling of Saturday's violence in Charlottesville, in which a woman was killed when a man drove his car into a group of counter-protesters. Democrats and Republicans have attacked the Republican president for waiting too long to address the violence, and for saying "many sides" were involved rather than explicitly condemning white-supremacist marchers widely seen as sparking the melee.

Merck CEO leaves Trump council over far right march

Merck & Co chief executive Kenneth Frazier has resigned from US President Donald Trump's American Manufacturing Council, saying he was taking a stand against intolerance and extremism. A gathering of hundreds of white nationalists in Virginia took a deadly turn on Saturday when a car ploughed into a group of counter-protesters and killed at least one person.