Harvey wreaks havoc on undocumented immigrants

Among the most vulnerable in a region on the mend are Houston's estimated 575,000 undocumented immigrants, the third-largest population of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. Harvey wreaks havoc on Houston's undocumented immigrants Among the most vulnerable in a region on the mend are Houston's estimated 575,000 undocumented immigrants, the third-largest population of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. Check out this story on ydr.com: https://usat.ly/2eD4sWM Hurricane Harvey hit Houston's undocumented immigrants especially hard, with some not being able to pay rent because they haven't been able to go to work. Father-son activists Robert and Zakary Rodriguez donate their time, and a mattress.

FEMA establishes first recovery center in Houston

The agency is working to identify locations for additional centers, where residents affected by Tropical Storm Harvey can apply for aid, ask questions or solve problems, said agency spokesman Peter Herrick Jr. FEMA has received more than 507,000 applications for aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, and it has approved 114.7 million U.S. dollars in aid to 161,000 people so far, including for assistance with housing, paying for transportation, as well as medical and dental assistance. In a Sunday morning update, FEMA officials said President Donald Trump's approval of disaster assistance authorized the federal government to pick up 90 percent of the cost of debris removal.

With brutal to-do list, GOP clashes before it returns this week

President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans return to work this week facing enormous pressure to achieve major policy victories and fulfill such basic acts of governance as providing disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, avoiding a default on the nation's debt and keeping federal agencies open. On Sunday, a proposal from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to attach recovery aid to legislation raising the nation's borrowing limit quickly drew objections from conservative lawmakers.

ABC News Ignores Ted Cruz’s Behavior During Sandy Relief To Ask About His Feelings On Harvey

Martha Raddatz, host of ABC's This Week , spent most of her interview time in Houston with Texas senator Ted Cruz deliberating on North Korea's bomb test, but when it came time to discuss Hurricane Harvey, she only asked about his feelings . Raddatz asked, "We are getting to a huge segment on Houston and the flooding.

High-Resolution Flood Imagery on Website, App Today to Assist Houston…

The before-and-after imagery slider on Woolpert's website allows local, state and federal officials and the public to navigate and enhance sites in Houston in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. To help the millions affected by Hurricane Harvey and subsequent flooding in the state of Texas, Woolpert has collected, processed and delivered high-resolution, before-and-after aerial imagery and made it available to the public today.

Governor Abbott And President Trump Visit Houston

Governor Greg Abbott and Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott today greeted President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump as they landed in Houston, Texas to survey the the devastation of Hurricane Harvey. The Governor then joined President Trump visiting Houston communities affected by Harvey, speaking with victims of the storm as they begin the recovery process.

Connecticut eyes on, hearts out to Houston

All eyes were on Houston this week, and Connecticut hearts went out to the thousands of Texans displaced by Hurricane Harvey. The "Flying Yankees," otherwise known as the 103rd Airlift Wing, took off for Texas in a C-130 Hercules cargo plane to help bring emergency supplies, and the U.S. Coast Guard sent a dozen reservists from the Long Island Sound sector to help.

Congress has 12 days to sprint through lawmaking vital to you

With funding to relieve the impact of Harvey on Texas rising to the top of the priority list, it has the potential to affect everything from the border wall to the threatened government shutdown. And with so many people in Houston and other communities in Harvey's path needing help, all eyes will be on Congress to see whether it can put aside partisan tendencies and tackle a daunting to-do list.

Trump again travels to Harvey-hit region

An upbeat President Donald Trump landed Saturday morning in Houston to get a firsthand look at a flooded and mud-choked metropolis devastated by Hurricane Harvey's record rainfall and storm surge, declaring himself "very happy" with rescue and recovery efforts. Officials in Beaumont, Texas, which lost its drinking water system because of Harvey, struggled Saturday to restore that service, and firefighters kept monitoring a crippled chemical plant in Crosby, Texas, that has twice been the scene of explosions and fires since the storm roared ashore and stalled over Texas more than a week ago.

NYT: Lets Help Hurricane Harvey Survivors By Taxing Them

As Hurricane Harvey survivors struggle with the aftermath, the cleanup, with power outages and portable generators, reporters far away in comfortable offices in New York think they have a solution to their problems; a new carbon tax. Imagine that after the 9/11 attacks, the conversation had been limited to the tragedy in Lower Manhattan, the heroism of rescuers and the high heels of the visiting first lady - without addressing the risks of future terrorism.

Trump visits evacuees at shelter in storm-battered Houston

President Donald Trump handed out box lunches and hugged children in a Houston emergency shelter on Saturday, as he witnessed the devastation wrought after Hurricane Harvey unleashed apocalyptic floods on America's fourth-largest city. The sprawling Texas city was taking tentative steps back to normalcy after a week of flooding that damaged 40,000 to 50,000 homes and sent tens of thousands fleeing to emergency shelters.