U.S. Sen. John Kennedy returns from overseas trip highlighting NATO

U.S. Sen. John N. Kennedy has returned from an overseas trip with a bipartisan group of members of the U.S. House and Senate. Kennedy, R-Madisonville, traveled to Belgium, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland and France on a trip that focused on NATO and defense spending.

White House: Trump won’t seek to block Comey testimony

President Donald Trump will not assert executive privilege to block fired FBI Director James Comey from testifying on Capitol Hill, the White House said Monday, setting the stage for a dramatic public airing of the former top law enforcement official's dealings with the commander in chief. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the president's power to invoke executive privilege is "well-established."

White House: Trump wona t seek to block Comey testimony

President Donald Trump will not assert executive privilege to block fired FBI Director James Comey from testifying on Capitol Hill, the White House said Monday, setting the stage for a dramatic public airing of the former top law enforcement official's dealings with the commander in chief.

Putin Interview: Did Russia Interfere in the US Election?

Russian President Vladimir Putin claims that he had limited personal interaction with former U.S. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn , when asked by NBC's Megyn Kelly in an exclusive interview about the nature of their relationship - and a widely circulated December, 2015 photo that shows the two sitting next to each other at dinner during an event to celebrate Russian TV network RT . Putin suggested that skilled hackers anywhere, including the USA, could shift the blame for hacking onto Russian Federation.

The Latest: Putin dismisses US claims about Trump, election

The Latest on President Donald Trump and the investigation into possible ties between his campaign and the Russian government : Russian President Vladimir Putin is dismissing as "a load of nonsense" the idea that Russia has damaging information on President Donald Trump. U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia meddled in the presidential election.

The Kansas City Sunday Night Look

Welcome back to "The Stakes," where this week Senior National Correspondent Jamil Smith sat down with Let America Vote founder Jason Kander, the Army veteran and former Missouri secretary of state who narrowly lost his U.S. Senate race last fall to Republican incumbent Roy Blunt. Many of the balloons that were released Sunday evening in Loose Park bore a picture of Spider-Man because he was Marcus Haislip III's favorite super hero.

Roy Blunt

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer on Tuesday said Democrats will block President Donald Trump's budget proposals on expanding federal immigration forces and starting the border wall project. "Senate Democrats are prepared to fight this all the way," the New York Democrat said at an event organized by the National Council of La Raza , the country's largest Hispanic civil rights advocacy group.

Trump backs away from demand for border wall money

President Donald Trump appears to be stepping back from demanding a down payment for his border wall, which could remove a major obstacle to a bipartisan deal on must-pass spending legislation just days ahead of a government shutdown deadline. Trump told a gathering of around 20 conservative media reporters Monday evening that he would be willing to return to the funding issue in September.

Sen. Claire McCaskill plans 8 town halls across Missouri

In a year when congressional town hall meetings have often turned angry, Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill is wading into predominantly Republican areas of Missouri to host a series of them this week. McCaskill's first town hall will be Wednesday at Jefferson College in the eastern Missouri town of Hillsboro.

GOP senators see CBO report as call to change plan

Some Senate Republican responded to the release of a Congressional Budget Office report Monday -- which found that up to 24 million more Americans would be without health insurance within 10 years under a Republican health care plan --- by saying that they expect the House proposal to be changed in the Senate. "The bill's likely to change in the House and again in the Senate," said Sen. Roy Blunt, a member of the Senate Republican leadership, after the CBO report was released.

US senator revives bill cutting funds to PA over funding for terrorists

Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham will reintroduce legislation next week that would cut US funding to the Palestinian Authority if it continues to provide monetary support to the families of those who commit acts of terror against Israelis. The bill, known as the Taylor Force Act , was first introduced last year by Graham with former Indiana Republican Sen. Dan Coats and Missouri Republican Sen. Roy Blunt.

Flynn Resignation Stirs Larger Concerns on the Hill

Michael Flynn's resignation as President Trump's national security adviser might have closed the retired general's brief, tumultuous chapter at the White House - but it raised new questions and concerns Tuesday on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers of both parties called for congressional inquiry into Flynn's role. More significantly, it raised alarms that the country's essential national security apparatus is in disarray.

Senate committee may call on Flynn to testify amid Russia questions

Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Missouri, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee and part of the Republican leadership, told reporters that he thought it was likely that Flynn would, at some point, talk to the committee about "both post-election activities and any other activities that he would be aware of." Flynn resigned from his post Monday amid a swirl of questions about his calls to the Russian ambassador ahead of the inauguration.

President Trump, Aware of DOJ Warning, Asked Flynn to Resign After Loss of Trust

A top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee raised concerns Monday over reports that National Security Adviser Michael Flynn hid his discussions with Russian officials. A top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee raised concerns Monday over reports that National Security Adviser Michael Flynn hid his discussions with Russian officials.

Trump’s Supreme Court nominee – watch live

He said the selection process "may be the most transparent judicial selection process in history," and said he is keeping his promise to the American people with this nomination. "When Justice Scalia passed away suddenly last February, I made a promise to the American people if I were elected president, I would find the very best judge in the country for the Supreme Court," he said.

Missouri senators renew effort to get Delta Queen cruising

Missouri's U.S. senators are renewing efforts to get the legendary riverboat the Delta Queen cruising again on the Mississippi River and its tributaries. Legislation filed this past week by Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill and co-sponsored by Republican Sen. Roy Blunt would reinstate an exemption for the Delta Queen to a federal law that prohibits overnight excursions on wooden vessels.