Democrats want to turn Texas into California with ‘dyed…

Amid a tight re-election fight, Sen. Ted Cruz warned that liberals want to turn Texas into California, "right down to tofu and silicon and dyed hair." Democrats want to turn Texas into California with 'dyed hair' and 'tofu,' Ted Cruz warns Amid a tight re-election fight, Sen. Ted Cruz warned that liberals want to turn Texas into California, "right down to tofu and silicon and dyed hair."

Trump order cramps rebuilding stronger against floods

In this Aug. 29, 2017 file photo, Interstate 69 is covered by floodwaters from Harvey, in Humble, Texas. Just two weeks ago, President Donald Trump rolled back an order by his predecessor that would have made it easier for storm-ravaged communities to use federal emergency aid to rebuild bridges, roads and other construction so they can better withstand future disasters.

Trump order undermines rebuilding better for future floods

In this file photo, Interstate 69 is covered by floodwaters from Harvey, in Humble, Texas. Just two weeks ago, President Donald Trump rolled back an order by his predecessor that would have made it easier for storm-ravaged communities to use federal emergency aid to rebuild bridges, roads and other construction so they can better withstand future disasters.